Friday, June 29, 2007



nv felt as insecure as this v moment now..
nv ever..
told llz tt it mus be my guardian angel knocking on my door n telling mi dat..-> it's time fe..=]

haha thanks guardian angel..
thanks for ringing this bell in mi..
i hope it wuld be in time..

it's e last battle..
give mi all e strength to fight it n fight on..
n conquer it w a smile..=]

there's no substitue for hardwork..
you have to give up sumthings to get sumthings..
goals are dreams with deadline..

thanks llz for listening to mi..
thanks for all ya advice..
xie xie ni..=]

hao la..
take gd care every1..

][.bu an de qing xu.][

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