Thursday, June 28, 2007

][.everything will be alright.][

][.everything will be alright.][

hmm ct2 is finished..n so m i..
nv felt tt defeated..
but truly defeated by maths..
shugs..was feeling realli agrh..
but went out w concourse kids..hee =D

hmm aw den was chatting w mamajan on e way bac..
haha deja vu of our ct1s huh..
tt mama..always throwing mi insights tt i nv tot of..
haha how do u define best friends?

aw i met e blind auntie again ytr nite..
this time round she was standing by e road for v long..
i was standing dere w her for a moment be4 i asking her if she wuld wan mi to acc her across e road..
after we crossed she showed mi 2 can food tt's like rusty..
n i told her not to eat it..
she say she bought it for 2bucks cz e person tt sold it like v ke lian..
n i felt kinda angry for her for a moment..
how can tt person cheat her of her money..
this blind lady is realli nice..
she is still caring for others despite her own "misfortune"..
after chatting for a while..
she told mi she culd n noe e way hm le..
so i jiu left..
crossed e road n stood dere to see her till i lost her..
wanted to pei her to e destination de..
mummy say we shuld respect em n their own abilities..

hmm it's so deja whenever i m feeling down i wuld meet this blind old lady..n she wuld make mi feel tt my problems are jus so mini tiny as compared to hers..try opening your eyes in ya dark..staring into e's realli so scary..v v friends..cherish everything n rmb u r a fortunate kid!

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1!..byee..

][.love em.][

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