Tuesday, June 12, 2007

][.lack of courage.][

][.lack of courage.][

today shuld be e most productive day out of my whole hols le..met mei early at kovan macs n studied! n i had my hotcakes n shaker fries! haha ytr was macs too..no wonder i m feeling darn fat now..haha we realli studied n haf appropriate breaks to talk n slack..haha i tot it was realli gd tt way..hee at least i integrated my noon away =P hee xie lo mei =P o yah..forget to mention tt i was taking pics of clouds while i was on 81 this morning..those commuters on e same bus as mi mus haf thought tt this gal is siao..but e sky was realli nice..realli..haha dun believe mi?..jus look up..whenever things go wrong..i jus look up..n it's always so comforting..be it e clouds, e stars, e sky, e moon..they r dere so quietly n so nice..always dere =] shall upload e pics sum other day..

hmm den wad else..nothing much la..macs is jus so freezing cold n i love sitting at tt corner..cz lots of memories..e times which i was pia-ing Amaths for O lvls w npo dere telling mi tt jus aim for your Os instead of prelims..n nw i m gg to face my As soon..e times which i wuld be dere from morning till night..e times which u wuld walk n cum find mi after ur work n go for supper n rush for e last bus hm..those were e days which u were so nice n nv throw temper like wad u do nw..sighs..

while i m doing my maths today..there were a few moments tt i wuld tink abt everything n wonder if i shuld..but i decided nt to..cz i m afraid of e cycle..realli..but llz gave mi e courage to msg u to at least c if dere's a chance to talk over it..but nw tt u r nt replying..i m actually quite..haha i dunno wads e word..i m a fatalistic person..wadever will be will be..i already dunno if i wan to anymore..

n tt's life..u will nt be as sensible n able to c things as clear as those tt are nt involved..haha so glad tt there's llz..cz dere's always sum1 to show mi tt i wun want things to go tt way =] haha..haf a gd trip llz! enjoy it! hee =D

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.guardian angel.][
][.wuld u be here for mi?.][

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