Friday, June 15, 2007



life is realli unpredictable..

life is realli vulnerable..

u dunno wad u will face or in fact..being alive at this v moment is already a blessing..yups..

dun ask mi why e sudden emo again..
cz yah..
snail went for her op today..
n da yi went to hospital in e morning too..
yup..jus so thankful n glad tt they r ok now =]
i pray n pls cont to bless em n may they haf a speedy recovery..=]

met mamajan at pasir ris lib n spent my day at my favourite corner once again..
i love hiding in tt's my corner =P..
haha cz whenever i m sianz..
i jus look up n out..
haha n i spotted 2 familiar faces today..
1 is serene den another 1 is ah min..
haha nt tt familiar..but at least haha..u noe eh that's e person..
msged ah min..but got no reply la..but it's ok..i was jus lame..haha
came hm after tt..
wasn't realli productive..
but was realli tired..
guess tt one can onli be at her full force n chiong w e pressure tt tml is e exams ba =P least tt's for mi..
n i noe tt i m so dead for my mye..
but sighs..onli haf myself to blame la..
den o yah..i tink when ppl cry..
i realli dunno wad to do..
jus wanna sayang tt person ba..

i tink a hug wuld always be nice..
but tt's onli occasional..
dere's onli a few times in this life tt i did tt..
n when i did tt..i cried even harder..
so sumtimes..
i do wonder..
is tt e best thing to do?..
after much thoughts..i still tink it's comforting..
u cried harder cz u can sense tt e person is here for u..
holding u up..
so no matter how hard u cry till how weak u r..
tt person wuld still be dere to support u n u wun fall..
tt's e gan jue ba..
i wuld nv forget tt..

so when i heard u cry..
i dunno wad shuld i say..
n i start laming n crapping till i c ur smile or hear u laugh..=]
cz when ppl tt matters to u cry..
u realli feel e pain..n lost of wad u shuld do..
isn't it?..'s how i felt for e day la..lots of things..haha made mi emo n decided on certain things..saw this line of lyrics.."wo yao zuo ni yi shi de peng you"..i wanna be ya friend for life..n i decided to send u e i noe..i wanna be ya friend for life..dun wanna all these shit to go on anymore..dun wanna now..i m jus like e pic above..waiting for ya reply..i love tt pic..thanks to buddy for sending it!..i saw it..n i felt so..hmm i dunno how to say..every player who sat on e bench wuld noe wad i's anticipation..n more..

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1!! to my 30hrs famine camp..hope i can make it..take care! byee..

][.i wanna b dere for u.][

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