Wednesday, June 13, 2007

][.i dun wanna run away.][

][.i dun wanna run away.][

haha today's blog title v this line from "no promises" jus popped out while i was tinking of wad to type..=P

aw today was a stay hm studying day..hmm nt v productive..sighs..realli feel so sianz..but i went to forever5's bloggy n saw this.."before u noe, it will be over" yups..hao la..shall press on..or maybe get started !..

hmm aw was watching "dai ni kan shi jie" jus nw..o mian..i wanna go abroad n go travelling..haha we were watching it..den mummy suddenly say..if u got money i bet u will go all ard e world..den i asked her "ni bu hui meh?"..den she was like.."ya daddy dun like to take planes!"..=_=" no link you mei you..haha but aw..yah i wanna travel! thou i always say i m home sick..but a wk or so will be gd..haha it's jus different n i tink u realli learn while u travel isn't it =P..

o n yah..mummy made another comment tt made mi lol jus nw while we were watching tv..she said sumthing like => relationship are it friendship or dere's jealousy etc..hmm i can be so complicated n yet so indispensible..sighs..

hao's my stay home day..spent eating n slacking n doing a little hist n maths..sighs..tml can't be like this!!..but once in a while..staying hm n listening to mummy n didi's funny comments can be quite entertaining =P..

alright..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.maybe it was realli my fault.][

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