Monday, June 11, 2007

][.thats e limit.][

][.thats e limit.][

i guess that was my limit.
for everything, there's always a limit.
a limit to one's tolerance n everything.
if dere was one.
that wuld be mine.

i m tired.
realli v tired of u taking things for granted.
taking everything tt i do for u so for granted.
not at e v least appreciative.
i noe tt i shuld nt be saying this.
cz friends are meant to help each another.
n i noe tt u do appreciate things.
but dere wasn't even a thank you.
it was so different as compared to be4.

e way u treat mi n e way u treat others.
a black face w mi n a changed n smiley face to others e nxt moment.
i noe tt u dun mean it tt way.
but why.
if u r upset abt sumthing or bu shuang abt sumthing.
jus rant it out n tell mi.
dun give mi tt face.
i haf my troubles too.
i m tired too.
do u noe tt moods can be spread.
rmb e monkey e-mail tt i gave u?
if u wear a smile n turn round e corner, u will find tt person smiling too.
n e smile will pass on.
so is ya black face.
u black face mi.
my black face will wear.
n i hate it when i affected those tt shuld nt be affected.

i dunno wad went wrong.
but u changed.
u realli did.
from sum1 tt was so understanding n caring for mi as a big sis.
to sum1 tt has mood swings tt r so hard to catch.

as time past.
n u stepped into e society, things changed.
i changed.
u changed.
n i guess i m realli tired le.

tired of hafing to salvage things.
u had hit on e raw spot.
u had reached my limit.
n i dun wanna do anything abt it le.
llz once told mi tt i wuld nt give up unless u tell mi to.

but nw.
i jus wanna say.
wo lei le.
dao le ji xian le.
xie xie ni cheng jing gei guo wo de mei hao hui yi.

hao la is quite a gd day de..apart from tt part above..yup..zhen de zhen de cmi jiu zhe yang ba..wo zhen de hen lei le..bu xiang guan le..i noe if i dun care..u wun too..but this time round..i dun wanna give in no more..

yups..went sch early in e morning for lit remedial..haha o yah..be4 tt went to find fungi to get sum stuffs for ppl who dun freaking appreciate wad i do but thanks lots fungi! haha n e waiting time for buses can realli be damm long..i waited for like 20mins dao i wanna feng diao?..hmm so yah..after lit remedial..den went heartland mall..n guess who i saw dere? haha i m told nt to mention tt i saw yah aw thanks lots for e gift! love it! =D hee..den went on to popular den kovan macs to meet mei2 n buddy to study..hmm was onli studying for like 2hrs plus..haha apart frm tt we got engaged in v interesting de conversations n food! wahaha..cannot be as distracted tml le =D haha o n yes..liying came to join us for a while..n photo taking is always lame..haha n buddy hope tt ur teeth is guy tt hit u rite..when we walked to e bus stop he was hafing a tiff w his gf? haha dunno u jiu forgive him for tt la hor..haha

after tt went to meet..yah..sum1 tt pushed mi to my's realli..haiz..i dunno wad to say..realli dunno..jiu suan le..on e bus ride i realli can't be bothered to do wads e pt..everything i seems to be taken for granted..i m a human..nt a deity..i dun haf tt gd patience n fact my temper is v bad jus let things be i noe u wuld let things be too..maybe it wuld cool off..maybe it wun..but right nw..i m nt in a mood to do anything..far too tired.. alighted n changed bus to meet snail to pass her all e food =P..haha as usual de jus hope tt everything will be gd tml! i will pray for u de! hee =D jus hope tt she wuld rmb to msg mi rite after she wake up ba =D jia you n all e best lo! =D

yup n here i m back home bloggin about my day..i can't deny tt i m nt feeling gd nw..but's jus pure tears..hao la..take gd care every1! byee..n rmb tt..dun take things tt ppl do for u for granted..a thank you wuld always be v easy n nice..realli..dun take it as thou they haf to oblige to help u or tell u's tiring..

][.i guess.i m nth.][

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