Wednesday, June 06, 2007

][.sumthings jus can't be changed.][

][.sumthings jus can't be changed.][

Grabbing a leopard and tearing off it's skin does not change the fact that it once had spots.

Deflating the puffer fish doesn't mean that it did not had poison to begin with.

Having memories do not change the fact that you had some bad ones among all the precarious ones.

Losing yourself do not change the fact that you won't disappear,no matter how hard you tried.

Switching off your handphone do not mean that you will be switched off from the world.

Being pretty on the outside doesn't change your bones.

Having a sunrise the next day does not necessary mean that it will be a new day.

Having a boyfriend/girlfriend does not change the fact that you do not have the world.

Being clear of your work does not gurantee you a chance of anything.

Having all the riches in the world doesn't change or cure social ills.

Being yourself doesn't change the fact that underneath it all,there's still a facade.

Having a crush forever doesn't change the fact that he might not have even noticed you.

Some things cannot be changed, or perhaps, maybe all things can't be changed.Maybe.

all e above is taken from forever5's blog from jing's post..i tot it was realli true..especially e one tt i highlighted in orange..many a times i want to off my hp n shut myself from e world..escape from everything..everything..

so's e june hols again..n i haf yet to get into e studying mode yet..went to llz's place for sum vectors, durians n cookies n laughters..haha jkjk..did sum maths la..maths can be so fun when u noe how to do it =P..but after e 1st's nt fun le =P thanks llz for sparing mi e afternoon!..

haha i m listening to dou yu (the outsiders) songs nw..went to dig out my burned cd..due to llz n ytr's k-box influence..hmm e songs are so sad..n so..hmm soothing..haha i dunno..n i suddenly recall abt last yr's june hols..whr every morning was spent at kovan macs w e hotcakes n e studying n laughters for e rest of e day..e days when employer gone mad while studying n wuld draw on e balloons..e days when we were so cold tt we wuld shift to e cc instead..n kovan macs..e days where i wuld meet npo dere to haf maths tuition n which she wuld encourage mi n try to ease my fears..e days tt i wuld be at kovan den go to harbourfront to study..those were e days..suddenly everything seems to haf disappear..those days will no longer be dere..nw there's no companion to pei mi go n study cz every1 is simply too busy w work..n nw dere wuld be no npo to teach mi maths..n suddenly..everything seems so empty..or rather..every1 has grew n left..n soon it will be mi..maybe..

haha ok..ignore's e music n e june hols..haha cz last yr's june hols were e best days of my life of e whole j1 life ba..e days which i din got into combine n played 4 hm u..e days which u wuld cum down to support..even if u were alone..but nw u work had simply tire u out like sumtimes u dun even haf e energy to reply my msgs..e days which our friendship was still gd n u came down to support e 1st game which we lost by 1pts..e days which coaches came down to watch our game..e day which npo gave mi e bookmark to press on..e days which we wuld go for supper n rush for our last bus..e days which u wuld make sure i get on e bus be4 u got on yours..e days that we spent walking n day which u all came down..employer w e brownies..ah rum..da 1031..n e whole support e game..those were e days..e darkest period of my life yet lit up due to e special ppl ard..

n nw it's e same june hols..e same youth cup..but everything is so's so..empty..n i noe n m aware tt things wuld nv be e cherish this v moment..enjoy tt it's so special..n u will nv be able to experience another moment like that..nv..every moment is a special one..remember that..

][.would u be here for mi like be4?.][

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