Tuesday, June 19, 2007

][.spliting headache.][

][.spliting headache.][

i m hafing a bad n spliting headache nw..


aw today again hasn't been realli productive..

coped at hm n drink n eat my life away..


i shall scram out of hse tml to get to sumwhere to study..

i nd to like pia like siao..but nw i jus can't cz realli v headache..



n all of a sudden i miss e gd old times..

but ok..on a lighter n positive note..

zhu tous had replied mi le!

wahaha so after our CTs we shall embark on our plan of adoption..

haha can't wait for it thou..

doing things tgt w em always make e happiness doubles..

was digging my cupboard for my notes this morning..

n came across my 17th bday prezzie frm them..=> "the time capsule"..

haha n all e memories came bac..

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 ! byee..


][.guardian angel.][

][.i nd u.][

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