Friday, June 08, 2007

][.mao dun.][

][.mao dun.][

mao dun de xin ling..
fan xing de xing shi..
haha xiang bi zhe jiu shi suo wei de ren sheng ba..
mei ge ren dou you zhi ji de fan nao..
mei you ban fa hen liang shui de fan nao bi jiao da..
suo yi..jiu jian qiang de zhi ji cheng dan ba =)

haha ignore my rantings..sumtimes i feel v bad for ranting on n i rmb sum1 once told mi tt..every1 got their own dun amplify yours..haha sumthing like tt la..but blog..pls pardon mi..i m sorry..haha o aw..those 2 pics are taken by mi today..kinda love e 2nd one =D haha n e 1st e diff ba =P

aw went to study at e airport w concourse kids today..hmm nt too bad..wasn't realli productive..but at least i din waste my day nua-ing away again la..haha..den took mrt w matong..haha hmm..n this is life..every1 seems to go thur e same things at e diff stages of's jus jus gotta move on..but its always easier said than done least that's e case for mi..haha constantly telling myself tt i haf gotta move i shuld nt be bothered so much by certain certain things no longer matter as much to mi..n that i haf grew up..but e end..all this is jus a bluff..i least i noe tt i m not moving on..=X

after tt met liying n went to watch e games..haha went to support kem! jia you! haha n hai..lucky got liying pei wo..if nt sure sianz si diao de..lots of things ran thur my mind during e whole night..haha time flies..things change..ppl grow..maybe sum things are meant to be..

haha hao la..sorry for emo-ing..i noe i m a lucky kid hmm off i go..maybe to my devil beside you to relax n get my mind of things..haha take gd care every1! byee..

][.jian qiang de li you zhi shi zhi ji bian zhi ji.][

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