Monday, July 02, 2007



days after cts haf been quite eventful =]
sat went for coaching but din do much cz of my unstable ankle..haha
o yah..be4 tt went for breakfast..haha quite nice de la..
rushed off to help up w e closure of national stadium after tt..
woohoo..e fireworks were nice =D haha

sun..nua-ed at hm be4 gg to support kem! haha
den had a game w home u..be4 gg down to team bbq tgt! haha
o yah..thanks llz =D haha
e bbq was more like a buffet i tink..
haha thanks lots to coconut's bro!
haha i tink it was quite nice..
talking abt clubs etc..
haha i din haf much to talk
haha but no worries..i love my club..
but at e same time..i m open to comments de la =P

after that..sorry to those tt stayed over..
haha sorry for pangseh-ing!
sorry sorry!

hmm ran for bus n went to wen's hse..
haha watched nada sou sou..
haha e guy is so uncle to wen..
but he is shuai la..
den hmm e story was quite sad but nt truly sad at e end..
haha i felt tt e ending was too abrupt..hee
but overall nt bad la..
after tt i can't get to slp..dunno why also..
so jus watched beyond e glory..
kobe n kelvin garnet de..
haha KG de was quite nice n touching de..

haha so spent my day eating my life away at wen's hse..
den bac hm..
haha hm sweet hm..=D

hmm n sumtimes i jus feel so fortunate..
n at e same time..
i feel so lousy..
thanks n sorry for everything my friends! =]

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..


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