Wednesday, June 06, 2007

][.fun times.][

][.fun times.][
been quite sum time since i blogged..haha yeah i m back frm thailand! wanted so much to blog abt it ytr..but was too tired to..but i shall blog abt it today w i always believe tt pics speak more than words =D haha so lame..but nbm..hmm n yup..up till today..i truly played n enjoyed my hols without starting on my work..n tt's v super bad..but yeah..after today..felicia..u gotta study ! XP

haha hao here we nice thailand trip =D o..n thailand..haha it always bring back so many diff memories..sum so wonderful n sum so bad tt i dun wanna recall but u can't..things can't be changed..sumthings even thou u tries so hard to erase's still dere..haha ok..nbm abt tt..lets jus blog down sum moments of this trip ba =D
haha ok..these pics are uploaded randomly..but..haha all for my memories hope u dun mind la =D thanks !
e sunset tt we saw on e flight while we returned! o mian it was so so so nice la...e sky..but as i was nt sitting by e window..this pic was taken by e uncle which i asked for a favour from..haha n during e last 10 mins of e flight..we got e view on e screen infront of us that is exactly similar to e pilots la..super cool..hee =D n with this i mark e end to my trip! haha
haha n e clorets lover here..found sum clorets gums dere =P

o n yah..that is yaqi's special udon bowl! its unique i's slanted =P haha

liying n me at e hotel be4 cuming bac to s'pore! n e nice nice mickey mouse postcard =P

e nice jap dinner tt we had after shopping at mbk! haha forgot to mention tt we had DQ n dunkin doughnuts while we were shopping too =P fei si le =x

us with our cheap n nice DQ! haha but onli managed to capture liying's la =P haha

dunkin dounuts n nice nice drink from dere! haha =D n our beloved liying posing for tt pic =P

my 15baht crunchy strawberry at DQ! so yummy n nice =D
e roadside sotong w e sauces!! o m g my favourite! n e best thing's onli 10baht! why s'pore dun haf?! =P

e clever chimp that took a bottle of oishi drink from e tourist n opened it n drank it like a human la =P refused to share sum w e one beside it till e keeper took away n let e other haf sum =P

e clever elephants that we saw at e cultural village! this one in e pic is bowling! while others danced, draw, played basketball, soccer, massage for ppl, ride bicycle etc...=D haha
e speedboat ride to coral island ! =D e breeze was great! hah
nice pic taken by daisy =] i love e background..e sky! o's yayun n van =D
li sian, sheryl (nut) n me =P
yaqi n me =P look at my legs!! that's how crystal clear e sea at coral island is X)

the beautiful coral island! =D (it's ard 45mins speedboat ride from pattaya) hee

haha e uncle at dreamworld making my delicious banana+chocs+pork floss creep! =D
liying n me n e big big 15baht candy floss at dreamworld! hahawahaha we r so not bullying van! =P

haha e guan yin fishes that wuld onli be near e guan yin temple by e river! notice e white 1? it's e emperor!
e transversites show tt we went for n tt i fell asleep after a while X) haha e previous one was better n more exciting la =P haha

haha my wonderful n super funny room-mates =P li sian n xiao yuan !

haha n yups..that's sum pics tt i took randomly during e trip la..hee hmm another memory tt i wuld recall now and then..or at least when i m bac in thailand for another trip once again =P
haha n went out for sph outing for e whole day at k-box..den went for dinner! woohoo..i m such a slacker..hao la..v super tired le..take gd care every1! byee..n sorry jing =! haha
][.wo xiang wo zhen de zhang da le.][

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