Sunday, June 17, 2007

][.xing fu ke yi hen jian dan.][

][.xing fu ke yi hen jian dan.][

yooohooo! i m back from 30hrs famine camp! haha unbelieveable to most ( eg.wen)..but i made it! haha realli glad tt i went for this camp..found it quite meaningful realli..u endure hunger..n u work..n play games..n we even went to play ball..haha e kind of gan jue which u hungry dao nt hungry..dao in actual fact..when u food was finally sent into my stomache once again after 30 was kinda weird..n i found myself i tot i wuld so love e food =P but alrite la..after tt i came hm n ate a pig =P..haha

but i realli tink we r realli fortunate le..$1.50 can onli buy us part of a meal or snacks..but it can provide a family of 5 w a meal..we truly take many things in our lives for granted..for eg. parental care, clean water, food, packet drinks many things we take em for granted..n when ppl out dere r trying to survive from hunger..we r here fretting over friendship problems etc..n tt made mi feel so guilty..n so i haf made sum decisions..haha smile ppl..u r a fortunate right nw as i m bloggin..i haf access to internet..i haf a roof above my head..dere r still so many ppl out dere who dun haf what we realli..we r fortunate..n lets be thankful! =D..i m rather tired nw this post is v messy..shall blog again abt e camp =P

my meal be4 e 30 hr fast =P yong tau foo at rp's foodcourt! haha n forget to mention..rp is realli big n nice =D haha

tt's our dinner, suppper, breakfast n lunch =P haha even packet drinks r allocated onli for meals..e onli time = water =D nw i learnt nt to drink so fast..cherish it man! haha o n's my bangladesh flag! haha

tt's e brave 15yr old cambodia boy n his mummy! if u tink ur life is sucky n tough..wad abt theirs? n wad abt those who r still living like wad they were be4 they got their aid? u r fortunate man..=]

haha my "family"..they r nice ppl man =P hee we r e manpower family!..haha finished our newspaper collection like be4 slept at e void deck..hahaha n we collected lots..quite fun de =P

haha n that's 5/12 of vjc's basketball gals =P hee

muhahaha my 1st bite after 30 hrs = bk fish! haha it wasn't as nice as i tot it wuld be..maybe it's becoz my stomache rested too long..haha

haha ok..i dunno if this was e starting or ending..but i guess it was e start be4 30hrs ;p haha i took e countdown in din post it up..n btw e hall was freezing cold =X hahan haha ok! tt's my logbook! n ta da! i m back sweet hm..w an experience of a lifetime..i wuld nv forget this 2days..=D

hao la..end here le every1! take gd care of yaself..i shall blog abt this camp again sumday..meanwhile..rmb tt..u r v fortunate..treasure it! n i m gonna constantly remind myself tt too..=D


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