Friday, June 29, 2007



nv felt as insecure as this v moment now..
nv ever..
told llz tt it mus be my guardian angel knocking on my door n telling mi dat..-> it's time fe..=]

haha thanks guardian angel..
thanks for ringing this bell in mi..
i hope it wuld be in time..

it's e last battle..
give mi all e strength to fight it n fight on..
n conquer it w a smile..=]

there's no substitue for hardwork..
you have to give up sumthings to get sumthings..
goals are dreams with deadline..

thanks llz for listening to mi..
thanks for all ya advice..
xie xie ni..=]

hao la..
take gd care every1..

][.bu an de qing xu.][

Thursday, June 28, 2007

][.everything will be alright.][

][.everything will be alright.][

hmm ct2 is finished..n so m i..
nv felt tt defeated..
but truly defeated by maths..
shugs..was feeling realli agrh..
but went out w concourse kids..hee =D

hmm aw den was chatting w mamajan on e way bac..
haha deja vu of our ct1s huh..
tt mama..always throwing mi insights tt i nv tot of..
haha how do u define best friends?

aw i met e blind auntie again ytr nite..
this time round she was standing by e road for v long..
i was standing dere w her for a moment be4 i asking her if she wuld wan mi to acc her across e road..
after we crossed she showed mi 2 can food tt's like rusty..
n i told her not to eat it..
she say she bought it for 2bucks cz e person tt sold it like v ke lian..
n i felt kinda angry for her for a moment..
how can tt person cheat her of her money..
this blind lady is realli nice..
she is still caring for others despite her own "misfortune"..
after chatting for a while..
she told mi she culd n noe e way hm le..
so i jiu left..
crossed e road n stood dere to see her till i lost her..
wanted to pei her to e destination de..
mummy say we shuld respect em n their own abilities..

hmm it's so deja whenever i m feeling down i wuld meet this blind old lady..n she wuld make mi feel tt my problems are jus so mini tiny as compared to hers..try opening your eyes in ya dark..staring into e's realli so scary..v v friends..cherish everything n rmb u r a fortunate kid!

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1!..byee..

][.love em.][

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

][.be yourself.][

][.be yourself.][

be who you are

& say what you feel

because those who matter don't mind

& those who mind don't matter

super tired now..but jus wanna blog this down..jing got it from a photography web n i got it from our blog..

love these few simple lines..
so jus wanna blog it down n share..
hope u enjoy it as much as i do..=]
n thanks to e person who wrote it thou i nv know who u r..

take gd care every1! to rest be4 starting on lit =X

][.nth else matters.][

Sunday, June 24, 2007



i declare myself dead for my upcuming ct2..
realli super no mood to study..
too much distractions..
i realli realli will work hard after this..
but for nw..
its dead..
so many things undone..
those tt are done r like nt done too..

n today is another sianz day..
sprained ankle after so long..
n my toe is bleeding..dunno why also..
thanks to those tt helped mi..esp liying =P
hmm n paiseh to buddy for ps u last min..
wasn't realli feeling v gd..
so if i stayed to watch e game i wuld blame myself de..

aw today isn't realli a gd day..
but ytr was nt too bad..
haha went for coaching little cute kids..
den went to pinic for rum's bday at ecp..
it was quite nice..jus lying dere n enjoying e breeze..
haha shall post e pics sum other currently i haven went to get my hp bac..sighs..
hmm den o yah..
ytr was e 1st time tt i sat e car tt npo drove..
wahahaha it was funny..
n memorable..=]

hao la..shall end here n try to get bac to my econs tt's nt even half done la..
take gd care every1!..byee...

][.why ain't u tt 1?.or maybe i m realli hoping for too much frm u.sighs.][

Wednesday, June 20, 2007



came hm earlier than planned due to headache once again..
went to repair my hp again!
n i guess..e reason i love my hp so much is becoz of e camera function ba..
but e sad thing is..
there's sumthing wrong w e software again!
soo..that means all e files wuld be deleted again..

aw yah..forgive my rantings yeah..
jus v sian tt i haf to lose everything in my hp for twice in less than a month..
o aw..felt e headache n realli felt like giving up on my studying it's nt getting anywhere far..but jus as i was blog hopping..n trying to escape..i came across sumthing tt is sumwad meaningful on yy's was frm ren hui..(sorry for mentioning e i tink it's better to credit it to em =D)..

it's sumthing like..
if u decided to spend today slacking away..u wuld haf to work double hard tml..n if u decided to slack tml away again..u wuld noe wad e consequences spend another day slacking..if u dun work hard nw..when will u? dun spend another day regretting ! =D

haha yups..jus found it v motivating n off i go..bac to e place tt i haf been wanting to escape from..=D take gd care every1!..byee..n haha forgot to mention..e pic is abv was taken by mi a few days bac..n i named it hope ! get it? =P tc!

][.n i jus wan u to be here.][

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

][.spliting headache.][

][.spliting headache.][

i m hafing a bad n spliting headache nw..


aw today again hasn't been realli productive..

coped at hm n drink n eat my life away..


i shall scram out of hse tml to get to sumwhere to study..

i nd to like pia like siao..but nw i jus can't cz realli v headache..



n all of a sudden i miss e gd old times..

but ok..on a lighter n positive note..

zhu tous had replied mi le!

wahaha so after our CTs we shall embark on our plan of adoption..

haha can't wait for it thou..

doing things tgt w em always make e happiness doubles..

was digging my cupboard for my notes this morning..

n came across my 17th bday prezzie frm them..=> "the time capsule"..

haha n all e memories came bac..

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 ! byee..


][.guardian angel.][

][.i nd u.][

Monday, June 18, 2007

][.i hope we can do it.][

][.i hope we can do it.][

today isn't realli productive..
but i feel realli fortunate..
thanks heaven..
thanks for blessing mi w such wonderful friends n family..
thanks for this life..

n jus as i was bloggin on 4ever5's blog..
sumthing struck mi..
i was tinking of e 5 of us adopting a kid together!
haha wen say ok le..
waiting for e other 3's reply nw..
i hope we can do it!

hao la..take gd care every1..byee!


Sunday, June 17, 2007

][.xing fu ke yi hen jian dan.][

][.xing fu ke yi hen jian dan.][

yooohooo! i m back from 30hrs famine camp! haha unbelieveable to most ( eg.wen)..but i made it! haha realli glad tt i went for this camp..found it quite meaningful realli..u endure hunger..n u work..n play games..n we even went to play ball..haha e kind of gan jue which u hungry dao nt hungry..dao in actual fact..when u food was finally sent into my stomache once again after 30 was kinda weird..n i found myself i tot i wuld so love e food =P but alrite la..after tt i came hm n ate a pig =P..haha

but i realli tink we r realli fortunate le..$1.50 can onli buy us part of a meal or snacks..but it can provide a family of 5 w a meal..we truly take many things in our lives for granted..for eg. parental care, clean water, food, packet drinks many things we take em for granted..n when ppl out dere r trying to survive from hunger..we r here fretting over friendship problems etc..n tt made mi feel so guilty..n so i haf made sum decisions..haha smile ppl..u r a fortunate right nw as i m bloggin..i haf access to internet..i haf a roof above my head..dere r still so many ppl out dere who dun haf what we realli..we r fortunate..n lets be thankful! =D..i m rather tired nw this post is v messy..shall blog again abt e camp =P

my meal be4 e 30 hr fast =P yong tau foo at rp's foodcourt! haha n forget to mention..rp is realli big n nice =D haha

tt's our dinner, suppper, breakfast n lunch =P haha even packet drinks r allocated onli for meals..e onli time = water =D nw i learnt nt to drink so fast..cherish it man! haha o n's my bangladesh flag! haha

tt's e brave 15yr old cambodia boy n his mummy! if u tink ur life is sucky n tough..wad abt theirs? n wad abt those who r still living like wad they were be4 they got their aid? u r fortunate man..=]

haha my "family"..they r nice ppl man =P hee we r e manpower family!..haha finished our newspaper collection like be4 slept at e void deck..hahaha n we collected lots..quite fun de =P

haha n that's 5/12 of vjc's basketball gals =P hee

muhahaha my 1st bite after 30 hrs = bk fish! haha it wasn't as nice as i tot it wuld be..maybe it's becoz my stomache rested too long..haha

haha ok..i dunno if this was e starting or ending..but i guess it was e start be4 30hrs ;p haha i took e countdown in din post it up..n btw e hall was freezing cold =X hahan haha ok! tt's my logbook! n ta da! i m back sweet hm..w an experience of a lifetime..i wuld nv forget this 2days..=D

hao la..end here le every1! take gd care of yaself..i shall blog abt this camp again sumday..meanwhile..rmb tt..u r v fortunate..treasure it! n i m gonna constantly remind myself tt too..=D


Friday, June 15, 2007



life is realli unpredictable..

life is realli vulnerable..

u dunno wad u will face or in fact..being alive at this v moment is already a blessing..yups..

dun ask mi why e sudden emo again..
cz yah..
snail went for her op today..
n da yi went to hospital in e morning too..
yup..jus so thankful n glad tt they r ok now =]
i pray n pls cont to bless em n may they haf a speedy recovery..=]

met mamajan at pasir ris lib n spent my day at my favourite corner once again..
i love hiding in tt's my corner =P..
haha cz whenever i m sianz..
i jus look up n out..
haha n i spotted 2 familiar faces today..
1 is serene den another 1 is ah min..
haha nt tt familiar..but at least haha..u noe eh that's e person..
msged ah min..but got no reply la..but it's ok..i was jus lame..haha
came hm after tt..
wasn't realli productive..
but was realli tired..
guess tt one can onli be at her full force n chiong w e pressure tt tml is e exams ba =P least tt's for mi..
n i noe tt i m so dead for my mye..
but sighs..onli haf myself to blame la..
den o yah..i tink when ppl cry..
i realli dunno wad to do..
jus wanna sayang tt person ba..

i tink a hug wuld always be nice..
but tt's onli occasional..
dere's onli a few times in this life tt i did tt..
n when i did tt..i cried even harder..
so sumtimes..
i do wonder..
is tt e best thing to do?..
after much thoughts..i still tink it's comforting..
u cried harder cz u can sense tt e person is here for u..
holding u up..
so no matter how hard u cry till how weak u r..
tt person wuld still be dere to support u n u wun fall..
tt's e gan jue ba..
i wuld nv forget tt..

so when i heard u cry..
i dunno wad shuld i say..
n i start laming n crapping till i c ur smile or hear u laugh..=]
cz when ppl tt matters to u cry..
u realli feel e pain..n lost of wad u shuld do..
isn't it?..'s how i felt for e day la..lots of things..haha made mi emo n decided on certain things..saw this line of lyrics.."wo yao zuo ni yi shi de peng you"..i wanna be ya friend for life..n i decided to send u e i noe..i wanna be ya friend for life..dun wanna all these shit to go on anymore..dun wanna now..i m jus like e pic above..waiting for ya reply..i love tt pic..thanks to buddy for sending it!..i saw it..n i felt so..hmm i dunno how to say..every player who sat on e bench wuld noe wad i's anticipation..n more..

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1!! to my 30hrs famine camp..hope i can make it..take care! byee..

][.i wanna b dere for u.][

Thursday, June 14, 2007

][.tui hou.][

][.tui hou.][

be4 i start..jus a random comment..jay's songs can be so sad..=\

hmm aw today is a hmm day =P..
woke up late so went to kovan macs late..studied ard onli 3hrs..den left for trng w buddy..haha jus felt like gg la..i noe i nd to exercise le..n that's super true..i wanted to puke during e trng la..this is e 1st time ever tt i train dao wanna puke..can feel e fries at my gullet le..haha damm gross..but in e end din puke la..haha "magic" made mi feel slightly it was haha nt too bad? jus tt i tink my stamina n everything realli suxz le..can't even get a simple lan di in..=X..

after tt went for dinner w em..haha thou nt e usual gang..but this gang is realli funny too..haha den talked n talked den went t kovan cc dere which happened to haf sum games gg on den nw i m back hm..haha super guilty for all my doings today la..=X..

aw everything is ok n quite gd de..till i saw 2 person which i dunno why but my mind jus linked n tot of sumthings n sighs..e bus ride hm was..hmm i dunno..tired yet i can't slp..many many many things went thur my mind..lock n unlock my hp..asking myself shuld i or shuld i nt? listened to jay's songs..sighs..all so sad..but tui hou's lyrics struck mi this time..

wo zhi dao ni wo dou mei you cuo..
zhi shi wang le zher mer tui hou..
zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo?..

these 3lines in particular struck mi..
i noe tt both of us are not in fault..or rather both of us are in fault..i noe tt i was too harsh..but..there's always a but..ppl always wanna protect themselves..i dun deny tt i m..n i noe tt for u..dats e same..u wuld also tink tt i m in fault..sighs jus as i tink u do..den..we jus refused to give in..i noe tt u wun give in de..nv ever..but this time round..wo ye hen bu xiang..actually many a times i was realli at e verge of giving in le..but thinking of sum things jus pulled mi back..haiz..den e last line..zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo? it true?..i dunno..letting go of this friendship wuld be better for both of us?..maybe ba..our characters r v diff..u told mi tt..your character is rather similar to sum1..n hence maybe..sighs..

dere's jus too much things gg on in my mind nw..i hate's not so easy to let go..i can self deceit no more..i wan this friendship bac..but i noe tt things wun be able to be back to wad i wan..e days when u hasn't's hard..e old u is gone..

hao la..take gd care every1!...bye..n sorry for all my rantings these days..


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

][.i dun wanna run away.][

][.i dun wanna run away.][

haha today's blog title v this line from "no promises" jus popped out while i was tinking of wad to type..=P

aw today was a stay hm studying day..hmm nt v productive..sighs..realli feel so sianz..but i went to forever5's bloggy n saw this.."before u noe, it will be over" yups..hao la..shall press on..or maybe get started !..

hmm aw was watching "dai ni kan shi jie" jus nw..o mian..i wanna go abroad n go travelling..haha we were watching it..den mummy suddenly say..if u got money i bet u will go all ard e world..den i asked her "ni bu hui meh?"..den she was like.."ya daddy dun like to take planes!"..=_=" no link you mei you..haha but aw..yah i wanna travel! thou i always say i m home sick..but a wk or so will be gd..haha it's jus different n i tink u realli learn while u travel isn't it =P..

o n yah..mummy made another comment tt made mi lol jus nw while we were watching tv..she said sumthing like => relationship are it friendship or dere's jealousy etc..hmm i can be so complicated n yet so indispensible..sighs..

hao's my stay home day..spent eating n slacking n doing a little hist n maths..sighs..tml can't be like this!!..but once in a while..staying hm n listening to mummy n didi's funny comments can be quite entertaining =P..

alright..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.maybe it was realli my fault.][

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

][.lack of courage.][

][.lack of courage.][

today shuld be e most productive day out of my whole hols le..met mei early at kovan macs n studied! n i had my hotcakes n shaker fries! haha ytr was macs wonder i m feeling darn fat now..haha we realli studied n haf appropriate breaks to talk n slack..haha i tot it was realli gd tt way..hee at least i integrated my noon away =P hee xie lo mei =P o yah..forget to mention tt i was taking pics of clouds while i was on 81 this morning..those commuters on e same bus as mi mus haf thought tt this gal is siao..but e sky was realli nice..realli..haha dun believe mi?..jus look up..whenever things go wrong..i jus look up..n it's always so it e clouds, e stars, e sky, e moon..they r dere so quietly n so nice..always dere =] shall upload e pics sum other day..

hmm den wad else..nothing much la..macs is jus so freezing cold n i love sitting at tt lots of memories..e times which i was pia-ing Amaths for O lvls w npo dere telling mi tt jus aim for your Os instead of prelims..n nw i m gg to face my As soon..e times which i wuld be dere from morning till night..e times which u wuld walk n cum find mi after ur work n go for supper n rush for e last bus hm..those were e days which u were so nice n nv throw temper like wad u do nw..sighs..

while i m doing my maths today..there were a few moments tt i wuld tink abt everything n wonder if i shuld..but i decided nt i m afraid of e cycle..realli..but llz gave mi e courage to msg u to at least c if dere's a chance to talk over it..but nw tt u r nt replying..i m actually quite..haha i dunno wads e word..i m a fatalistic person..wadever will be will be..i already dunno if i wan to anymore..

n tt's life..u will nt be as sensible n able to c things as clear as those tt are nt involved..haha so glad tt there's dere's always sum1 to show mi tt i wun want things to go tt way =] haha..haf a gd trip llz! enjoy it! hee =D

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.guardian angel.][
][.wuld u be here for mi?.][

Monday, June 11, 2007

][.thats e limit.][

][.thats e limit.][

i guess that was my limit.
for everything, there's always a limit.
a limit to one's tolerance n everything.
if dere was one.
that wuld be mine.

i m tired.
realli v tired of u taking things for granted.
taking everything tt i do for u so for granted.
not at e v least appreciative.
i noe tt i shuld nt be saying this.
cz friends are meant to help each another.
n i noe tt u do appreciate things.
but dere wasn't even a thank you.
it was so different as compared to be4.

e way u treat mi n e way u treat others.
a black face w mi n a changed n smiley face to others e nxt moment.
i noe tt u dun mean it tt way.
but why.
if u r upset abt sumthing or bu shuang abt sumthing.
jus rant it out n tell mi.
dun give mi tt face.
i haf my troubles too.
i m tired too.
do u noe tt moods can be spread.
rmb e monkey e-mail tt i gave u?
if u wear a smile n turn round e corner, u will find tt person smiling too.
n e smile will pass on.
so is ya black face.
u black face mi.
my black face will wear.
n i hate it when i affected those tt shuld nt be affected.

i dunno wad went wrong.
but u changed.
u realli did.
from sum1 tt was so understanding n caring for mi as a big sis.
to sum1 tt has mood swings tt r so hard to catch.

as time past.
n u stepped into e society, things changed.
i changed.
u changed.
n i guess i m realli tired le.

tired of hafing to salvage things.
u had hit on e raw spot.
u had reached my limit.
n i dun wanna do anything abt it le.
llz once told mi tt i wuld nt give up unless u tell mi to.

but nw.
i jus wanna say.
wo lei le.
dao le ji xian le.
xie xie ni cheng jing gei guo wo de mei hao hui yi.

hao la is quite a gd day de..apart from tt part above..yup..zhen de zhen de cmi jiu zhe yang ba..wo zhen de hen lei le..bu xiang guan le..i noe if i dun care..u wun too..but this time round..i dun wanna give in no more..

yups..went sch early in e morning for lit remedial..haha o yah..be4 tt went to find fungi to get sum stuffs for ppl who dun freaking appreciate wad i do but thanks lots fungi! haha n e waiting time for buses can realli be damm long..i waited for like 20mins dao i wanna feng diao?..hmm so yah..after lit remedial..den went heartland mall..n guess who i saw dere? haha i m told nt to mention tt i saw yah aw thanks lots for e gift! love it! =D hee..den went on to popular den kovan macs to meet mei2 n buddy to study..hmm was onli studying for like 2hrs plus..haha apart frm tt we got engaged in v interesting de conversations n food! wahaha..cannot be as distracted tml le =D haha o n yes..liying came to join us for a while..n photo taking is always lame..haha n buddy hope tt ur teeth is guy tt hit u rite..when we walked to e bus stop he was hafing a tiff w his gf? haha dunno u jiu forgive him for tt la hor..haha

after tt went to meet..yah..sum1 tt pushed mi to my's realli..haiz..i dunno wad to say..realli dunno..jiu suan le..on e bus ride i realli can't be bothered to do wads e pt..everything i seems to be taken for granted..i m a human..nt a deity..i dun haf tt gd patience n fact my temper is v bad jus let things be i noe u wuld let things be too..maybe it wuld cool off..maybe it wun..but right nw..i m nt in a mood to do anything..far too tired.. alighted n changed bus to meet snail to pass her all e food =P..haha as usual de jus hope tt everything will be gd tml! i will pray for u de! hee =D jus hope tt she wuld rmb to msg mi rite after she wake up ba =D jia you n all e best lo! =D

yup n here i m back home bloggin about my day..i can't deny tt i m nt feeling gd nw..but's jus pure tears..hao la..take gd care every1! byee..n rmb tt..dun take things tt ppl do for u for granted..a thank you wuld always be v easy n nice..realli..dun take it as thou they haf to oblige to help u or tell u's tiring..

][.i guess.i m nth.][

Sunday, June 10, 2007

][.its over?.][

][.its over?.][

its over? i guess it is..
i finally asked wad i always wanted to..
jus wad m i to u?..
i knew tt it's gonna end up like this..
in this disastrous state..
but i can't take it anymore..
can't take e way things go anymore..

i m sorry..
dere's sum misunderstandings..
i dun meant it tt i dun wan u to find mi..
i wanna be dere for u too..but i jus can't take it when u seems to take it so for granted..
i dun mind u throwing ya temper..
seriously dun mind..
but nt in dat way my friend..

hmm..i guess it's over..jus take care of yaself n thanks for all e wonderful memories tt u had given mi over e yr..i noe tt i can't let go..but..i dunno wad to do nw..jus take care..

][.status: failure.][

][.keep em to yaself.][

][.keep em to yaself.][

haha jus finished watching e channel u de 9pm movie..haha n wu yan zu is shuai n e show damm lame la..haha make mi lol n lol..haha..but that's nt e reason tt i wanna blog abt..i wanna rant out everything..yah..quite pek che abt sum stuffs e below ranting is jus for mi to fa xie..ignore it..=)

alright..i jus typed out a whole chunk of unhappiness..but it's too uncivilised n hence i haf decided to change a way tt i m gg to post..yup..n i mus apologise in this post is realli n purely meant for mi to vent my pls ignore e senseless rantings =)

jus wanna shout out loud to every1 out dere..
pls dun criticise any1 jus as u wish..
especially when u haf no idea e efforts tt ppl put in..
get mi?
criticising is always easy..
putting ppl down is always easy..
but if u dunno a single shit abt dat person..
den keep all ya criticism to yaself!! n shut e hell up!!
pls..every1 haf parents!
putting em down wuld hurt their parents too..

hai..sorry n ignore my senseless n rude's's jus's jus haha anger..alright..feeling so much better now..haha thanks buddy n thanks snail..thanks buddy for listening to my rants..n snail for entertaining mi by denying e fact tt my dp was realli taken by mi =P..

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.guardian angel.][
][.i wanna tok to u.][



today is a super tiring day..
mentally n physically..
tml will be a brand new day..
n tml i haf t0 start my engine at full blast le..
can't slack n joke ard anymore..

aw..looking forward to nxt sun n dinner w buddy they all..haha
jia you buddy!

hao la..super moodless nw..take gd care every1! byee..

jus wad the hell m i to u?..
stop treating mi tt way will u?..
it suckz..
i m tired..

][.status: stone.][

Saturday, June 09, 2007

][.e smile on ya face.][

][.e smile on ya face.][

ooo hooo...another day of e hols past with mi doing nth wonderful..but is nt too bad..slept like a pig woke up for breakfast n cont slping den went to dover n make e poms poms..haha thanks matong for asking us does has therapeutic effect if that's how u spell it..but yah..haha it's quite fun de..n haha mrt rides can be super less than an hr u wuld be at e other side of e country's either e train is fast..or s'pore is small..n i tink its both..but nbm i like it tt way..hahaha

after making e cute stuffs..went to tm to meet em..o yeah..haha watched man in white n bu shi v funny la..jus super funny n lame onli ma =P haha..den dinner n our fav ice kachang..hahaha n i m feeling darn fat's always fun hafing em ard..hahaha take gd care huh u pigs! n stop saying tt i m e fattest lo..thou i realli m la =X ( i nd to go diet le!) hahaha

n nw i m bac hm..refusal to do darn tired le..ahahha yups..ok..take gd care every1 n thanks for this wonderful day! nite..=D

wad m i to u?..
i m sick n tired of all these..
human feelings can't be manipulated..
dun tug n let go n tug n let go..
i can't take ya repeated processes anymore..
it's tiring my friend..

][.let go?.][

Friday, June 08, 2007

][.mao dun.][

][.mao dun.][

mao dun de xin ling..
fan xing de xing shi..
haha xiang bi zhe jiu shi suo wei de ren sheng ba..
mei ge ren dou you zhi ji de fan nao..
mei you ban fa hen liang shui de fan nao bi jiao da..
suo yi..jiu jian qiang de zhi ji cheng dan ba =)

haha ignore my rantings..sumtimes i feel v bad for ranting on n i rmb sum1 once told mi tt..every1 got their own dun amplify yours..haha sumthing like tt la..but blog..pls pardon mi..i m sorry..haha o aw..those 2 pics are taken by mi today..kinda love e 2nd one =D haha n e 1st e diff ba =P

aw went to study at e airport w concourse kids today..hmm nt too bad..wasn't realli productive..but at least i din waste my day nua-ing away again la..haha..den took mrt w matong..haha hmm..n this is life..every1 seems to go thur e same things at e diff stages of's jus jus gotta move on..but its always easier said than done least that's e case for mi..haha constantly telling myself tt i haf gotta move i shuld nt be bothered so much by certain certain things no longer matter as much to mi..n that i haf grew up..but e end..all this is jus a bluff..i least i noe tt i m not moving on..=X

after tt met liying n went to watch e games..haha went to support kem! jia you! haha n hai..lucky got liying pei wo..if nt sure sianz si diao de..lots of things ran thur my mind during e whole night..haha time flies..things change..ppl grow..maybe sum things are meant to be..

haha hao la..sorry for emo-ing..i noe i m a lucky kid hmm off i go..maybe to my devil beside you to relax n get my mind of things..haha take gd care every1! byee..

][.jian qiang de li you zhi shi zhi ji bian zhi ji.][

Thursday, June 07, 2007

][.what am i waiting for?.][

][.what am i waiting for?.][

watched devil beside you n nua my day away while trying to dom..
nbm tml i m gg out to study..
can't cope at hm to study..
hmm aw..while i was walking w my new pair of slippers tt used to hurt but hurted no more..i tot of this..
after hurting u for a period of time..e thing tt hurts u wuld no longer u r numbed..
hmm think abt it ba..=)
sumtimes i do wonder..
wad m i waiting for?
waiting for things to be back to wad it used to be?
it's imposible..
n hence i hate waiting..'s like waiting for e impossible..
dere's no backspace in life..
it's time to move on..
][.status: nostalgia.pain.][

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

][.sumthings jus can't be changed.][

][.sumthings jus can't be changed.][

Grabbing a leopard and tearing off it's skin does not change the fact that it once had spots.

Deflating the puffer fish doesn't mean that it did not had poison to begin with.

Having memories do not change the fact that you had some bad ones among all the precarious ones.

Losing yourself do not change the fact that you won't disappear,no matter how hard you tried.

Switching off your handphone do not mean that you will be switched off from the world.

Being pretty on the outside doesn't change your bones.

Having a sunrise the next day does not necessary mean that it will be a new day.

Having a boyfriend/girlfriend does not change the fact that you do not have the world.

Being clear of your work does not gurantee you a chance of anything.

Having all the riches in the world doesn't change or cure social ills.

Being yourself doesn't change the fact that underneath it all,there's still a facade.

Having a crush forever doesn't change the fact that he might not have even noticed you.

Some things cannot be changed, or perhaps, maybe all things can't be changed.Maybe.

all e above is taken from forever5's blog from jing's post..i tot it was realli true..especially e one tt i highlighted in orange..many a times i want to off my hp n shut myself from e world..escape from everything..everything..

so's e june hols again..n i haf yet to get into e studying mode yet..went to llz's place for sum vectors, durians n cookies n laughters..haha jkjk..did sum maths la..maths can be so fun when u noe how to do it =P..but after e 1st's nt fun le =P thanks llz for sparing mi e afternoon!..

haha i m listening to dou yu (the outsiders) songs nw..went to dig out my burned cd..due to llz n ytr's k-box influence..hmm e songs are so sad..n so..hmm soothing..haha i dunno..n i suddenly recall abt last yr's june hols..whr every morning was spent at kovan macs w e hotcakes n e studying n laughters for e rest of e day..e days when employer gone mad while studying n wuld draw on e balloons..e days when we were so cold tt we wuld shift to e cc instead..n kovan macs..e days where i wuld meet npo dere to haf maths tuition n which she wuld encourage mi n try to ease my fears..e days tt i wuld be at kovan den go to harbourfront to study..those were e days..suddenly everything seems to haf disappear..those days will no longer be dere..nw there's no companion to pei mi go n study cz every1 is simply too busy w work..n nw dere wuld be no npo to teach mi maths..n suddenly..everything seems so empty..or rather..every1 has grew n left..n soon it will be mi..maybe..

haha ok..ignore's e music n e june hols..haha cz last yr's june hols were e best days of my life of e whole j1 life ba..e days which i din got into combine n played 4 hm u..e days which u wuld cum down to support..even if u were alone..but nw u work had simply tire u out like sumtimes u dun even haf e energy to reply my msgs..e days which our friendship was still gd n u came down to support e 1st game which we lost by 1pts..e days which coaches came down to watch our game..e day which npo gave mi e bookmark to press on..e days which we wuld go for supper n rush for our last bus..e days which u wuld make sure i get on e bus be4 u got on yours..e days that we spent walking n day which u all came down..employer w e brownies..ah rum..da 1031..n e whole support e game..those were e days..e darkest period of my life yet lit up due to e special ppl ard..

n nw it's e same june hols..e same youth cup..but everything is so's so..empty..n i noe n m aware tt things wuld nv be e cherish this v moment..enjoy tt it's so special..n u will nv be able to experience another moment like that..nv..every moment is a special one..remember that..

][.would u be here for mi like be4?.][

][.fun times.][

][.fun times.][
been quite sum time since i blogged..haha yeah i m back frm thailand! wanted so much to blog abt it ytr..but was too tired to..but i shall blog abt it today w i always believe tt pics speak more than words =D haha so lame..but nbm..hmm n yup..up till today..i truly played n enjoyed my hols without starting on my work..n tt's v super bad..but yeah..after today..felicia..u gotta study ! XP

haha hao here we nice thailand trip =D o..n thailand..haha it always bring back so many diff memories..sum so wonderful n sum so bad tt i dun wanna recall but u can't..things can't be changed..sumthings even thou u tries so hard to erase's still dere..haha ok..nbm abt tt..lets jus blog down sum moments of this trip ba =D
haha ok..these pics are uploaded randomly..but..haha all for my memories hope u dun mind la =D thanks !
e sunset tt we saw on e flight while we returned! o mian it was so so so nice la...e sky..but as i was nt sitting by e window..this pic was taken by e uncle which i asked for a favour from..haha n during e last 10 mins of e flight..we got e view on e screen infront of us that is exactly similar to e pilots la..super cool..hee =D n with this i mark e end to my trip! haha
haha n e clorets lover here..found sum clorets gums dere =P

o n yah..that is yaqi's special udon bowl! its unique i's slanted =P haha

liying n me at e hotel be4 cuming bac to s'pore! n e nice nice mickey mouse postcard =P

e nice jap dinner tt we had after shopping at mbk! haha forgot to mention tt we had DQ n dunkin doughnuts while we were shopping too =P fei si le =x

us with our cheap n nice DQ! haha but onli managed to capture liying's la =P haha

dunkin dounuts n nice nice drink from dere! haha =D n our beloved liying posing for tt pic =P

my 15baht crunchy strawberry at DQ! so yummy n nice =D
e roadside sotong w e sauces!! o m g my favourite! n e best thing's onli 10baht! why s'pore dun haf?! =P

e clever chimp that took a bottle of oishi drink from e tourist n opened it n drank it like a human la =P refused to share sum w e one beside it till e keeper took away n let e other haf sum =P

e clever elephants that we saw at e cultural village! this one in e pic is bowling! while others danced, draw, played basketball, soccer, massage for ppl, ride bicycle etc...=D haha
e speedboat ride to coral island ! =D e breeze was great! hah
nice pic taken by daisy =] i love e background..e sky! o's yayun n van =D
li sian, sheryl (nut) n me =P
yaqi n me =P look at my legs!! that's how crystal clear e sea at coral island is X)

the beautiful coral island! =D (it's ard 45mins speedboat ride from pattaya) hee

haha e uncle at dreamworld making my delicious banana+chocs+pork floss creep! =D
liying n me n e big big 15baht candy floss at dreamworld! hahawahaha we r so not bullying van! =P

haha e guan yin fishes that wuld onli be near e guan yin temple by e river! notice e white 1? it's e emperor!
e transversites show tt we went for n tt i fell asleep after a while X) haha e previous one was better n more exciting la =P haha

haha my wonderful n super funny room-mates =P li sian n xiao yuan !

haha n yups..that's sum pics tt i took randomly during e trip la..hee hmm another memory tt i wuld recall now and then..or at least when i m bac in thailand for another trip once again =P
haha n went out for sph outing for e whole day at k-box..den went for dinner! woohoo..i m such a slacker..hao la..v super tired le..take gd care every1! byee..n sorry jing =! haha
][.wo xiang wo zhen de zhang da le.][