Saturday, June 09, 2007

][.e smile on ya face.][

][.e smile on ya face.][

ooo hooo...another day of e hols past with mi doing nth wonderful..but is nt too bad..slept like a pig woke up for breakfast n cont slping den went to dover n make e poms poms..haha thanks matong for asking us does has therapeutic effect if that's how u spell it..but yah..haha it's quite fun de..n haha mrt rides can be super less than an hr u wuld be at e other side of e country's either e train is fast..or s'pore is small..n i tink its both..but nbm i like it tt way..hahaha

after making e cute stuffs..went to tm to meet em..o yeah..haha watched man in white n bu shi v funny la..jus super funny n lame onli ma =P haha..den dinner n our fav ice kachang..hahaha n i m feeling darn fat's always fun hafing em ard..hahaha take gd care huh u pigs! n stop saying tt i m e fattest lo..thou i realli m la =X ( i nd to go diet le!) hahaha

n nw i m bac hm..refusal to do darn tired le..ahahha yups..ok..take gd care every1 n thanks for this wonderful day! nite..=D

wad m i to u?..
i m sick n tired of all these..
human feelings can't be manipulated..
dun tug n let go n tug n let go..
i can't take ya repeated processes anymore..
it's tiring my friend..

][.let go?.][

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