Saturday, September 30, 2006

][.special ppl.][

][.special ppl.][

heyo bloggy..another wasted day..but shall nt look back n regret anymore..jus wanna blog sumthing down 1st..

They remember :
all the things they did together..
all the mistakes they made..
all the fun they had =)
no matter how much their lives might change..
their friendship remains e same..
i know that throughout my life..
wherever i am..
i will always treasure our friendship..

haha yup..that msg abv is dedicated to all my friends out dere..u noe who u r..haha 1st saw this msg on a card..haha woohoo..was so least that was how i felt la..haha..den was listen to vitamin c de graduation today..haha n sum stupid woman say she might sing it to mi nxt yr..wahaha thanks ah..but better dun la..later all e glass in e world piang..haha

aw i kinda of like e here it goes..

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

1 - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

Repeat 1
La, la, la, la…
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la…
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep,
I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

Repeat 1 (3x)

haha thats e lyircs..realli v nice..haha hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 ! n jia u ba..=))

ps.thanks mamajan =P

][.weird feeling.][

Friday, September 29, 2006

][.tired mind.][

][.tired mind.][

heyo bloggy..jus woke up..haha i m so is fri le n i haf done nth for my promos revision yet..wanted to mug hard ytr but ended up wif a tight chest pain which linked to e stomache which almost caused my life..curled up at e bk chair n table in e middle of e nite n jus felt like dying..freaking pain that i was too tired to say anything..

n o yah..eccentric gui gotta a partner le ! hee i haven name its frm my ou xiang =)..haha so mus name it nice nice de..haha hafing my dinner now..shall go n start my econs hist n maths is like so dead..not that my lit isn't..its jus that i decided to study e day be4..n econs seems much managable than hist n maths..sianz..

haha hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 ! byee..

jus make mi feel like nt caring anymore..

][.zhen xi.][

Wednesday, September 27, 2006



haha..another random blog title again..nth much..had my gp n i m so damm freakingly screwed it..dunno how to say that kind that u will feel ok abt it..den e nxt moment..u will tink abt it n feel so damm sianz abt thanks matong =p..

alrite..that shall be e last time i get all down n blue over it..gotta move on !!..hmm ok..finally went to get bac my sony ericsson fone..haha wow..felt like strangers wif it la..maybe too long nv see it le..haha but i guess i will soon be able to use it jus like be4 ba..isn't it jus like friends..u will feel a bit weird n awkward after not meeting each other for a long time..but jus giv each other a few moments n it will soon be all familiar n more isn't it..haha lalala i m crapping..woohoo been quite long since i crap le ba..=P..i mean crap in this sense..

haha can promos jus quickie be over..i jus wanna get out from this..i dun deny..i m feeling e stress..its sucky..n yah..haf u ever thought of getting into an accident n more jus to find out who is e one that realli cares for u?..i dun deny i haf..but at e same time..i tink its so stupid of mi..haha i is valuable isn't it =] so cherish it yeah! haha n yah..ignore mi..i tink i had that kinda of thoughts is becoz watch too much drama serials le ba =P haha..n yah..if u ever tink that no1 cares abt u..rmb i do huh =)

hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 n any1 !..dun tink u r not every1 is special n u r impt ! =]

][ easily said.but is it done.][

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

][.i always look back as i walk away.][

][.i always look back as i walk away.][

haha jus being random..
think thats nice..yup..
been on a swing nowadays..
sorry to those ard me that suffered from it..

hao la..tml is gp..
i m so dead..
gd luck to all..
n most of all i nd it too =P..
take gd care too !


Monday, September 25, 2006

][.if u culd c e tears in my eyes.][

][.if u culd c e tears in my eyes.][

felt so useless as i turned my back n walked away..
took 2 slow steps forward n tears rolled down unknowingly..
it isn't ya fault..
its wif myself..
felt so useless that i can't do anything for u as a friend..
maybe i m too sensitive..
but i jus feel that sumthing is not rite..
is it becoz of my bullying..
if it is..
i m realli sorry n i promise to try my best nt to anymore..
sat quietly thur out e journey not knowing wad to say..
not knowing wad to do..
if sumthing is wrong..
n i ain't e friend (if u regard mi as 1) that u wanna share e prob n burden wif..
pls make sure that u ain't alone..
i noe u wun..
i hope u wun..
let sum1 share e burden wif u..
e load is always easier wif 2 than 1..
hope u will be fine..
take gd care..

][.pls be ok.][

Saturday, September 23, 2006


ANGELS EXIST but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS.

haha yup..waiting for my bro's bday party to start now..n be4 it even gan ma jus say wa u bian fei le =(( haha xin ping ping piang piang le la =P..haha lots..think of lots..
wad can i say..lots that i wanna say..but..haha summary..

i act as though it dun matter..
i act as though i haf forgotten..
i dun wanna care for u..
but deep in my heart..
u r e friend that i will nv allow u to walk alone..=)..
things that matter more..
i act as if they dun matter..


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

][.shhh.lets enjoy a nite of silence.][

][.shhh.lets enjoy a nite of silence.][


lets enjoy a nite of silence yeah..
walked hm from downtown east..
listened to jay's songs..
tot that there ain't any stars..
but e more i look at e vast sky..
e more i concentrate..
e darker e route became..
e stars started to appear..
so nice..
walked under e starlight..
so nice..
e wind is so nice too..
decided to go for a jog..
reached hm n went for a jog..

under e starlights once again..
nothing beats that..
its so nice..
ran at a slightly faster than norm pace..
enjoyed e wind..
its jay's songs again..
how sad can they get..
now i m hm..
haven done any work for today..
shall go bathe n settle down to do some..
shugs..jus rem i got lit essay outlines to do..

alright..shall stop here..
n yah aw..switched off my hp tonite..
wanna enjoy a nite of silence..
i mean yah..
jus a nite of silence..
byee bloggy..

take gd care every1!! gotta go bathe n do work le..tctc byee..

ye wan shi ru ci de ning jing..que you bao han dan dan de shang gan..

][.a nite of silence.][

Saturday, September 16, 2006



dunno how to describe how i feel now..
hi bloggy..
i haf been listening to jay's songs..
love 3 of his new songs in particular..
bai se feng che..
tui hou..
xin yu..
they are all so sad..
feel like crying out loud n singing it out loud..

wanna escape from this..
wanna get out of this..
i noe its a process every1 goes thur..
but its still..

ok..happy thoughts..shall not feel so blue over all these thou i love blue..o mian..i m hungry AGAIN..yes i m a pIg..

hao la..take gd care every1 ! byee..

in e end..i still can't be independent..

][.if only.][

Thursday, September 14, 2006

][.Care and][

][.Care and][

i had my 1st interaction wif a dog today..
it licked my hand..
=).. makes mi feel..
hmm how to say..
everything on earth nd love..
haha i noe this is cliche..
but yah..
love does make e world goes by =)..
i told myself..
e next time i see it..
i will sayang it again =))
i will try to not fear it =))

hee..i m thankful..
thankful for wad i haf..
thankful for my Family..[father n mother i love u..of cz didi too la =P]
thankful for my best of friends..
thankful for every special ppl that had entered my life..
thanks for this beautiful life..
no matter how stressful life can be..
dere's always a reason to smile..
n they are my reason to smile..=))

hao la..shall end here take gd care every1 ! byee..

][.love makes e world goes by.][

][.wuld u jus be here.][

][.wuld u jus be here.][

haf u ever found sum scenerio so familiar..
like sumthing that is happening now had happened be4..
i m feeling that now..

its e period of be4 exams period again..
e stress cuming up etc..
but its diff le ba..
i mean..
sumthings in life onli happen for once..
so do cherish everything yeah..

i guess its time i learn to be independent n stop hoping to haf u as my motivation =)

haha alrite..sorry bloggy..suddenly felt that way..=..haha aw..jia u ba da jia ! jia u for wadever u facing..rmb..tml may not be better..but a better tml is bound to cum..jia u =)

n yah..jay's new album realli v nice..i dunno listen how many times le..n pls dun mistaken..i m not his fan thou=P..haha but e songs r real sad..

hao la..end here le..byee every1! take gd care..n stay happy ! =)

][.time to learn to be independent.][

Sunday, September 10, 2006

][.culd u jus be here for mi.][

][.culd u jus be here for mi.][

such a random bloggy heading for today..haha dunno why i put this too..gotta no specific meaning..jus think its nice..

haha remembered i once saw sum1 dp is e backspace button on the keyboard..wif e caption of gg bac to e past or sumthing like that la..i forget le..haha think its jan de dp ;p haha

ooo thats so random..but nbm..haha listening to lots of songs now..thanks to e suppliers =p..saw a pic jus now..n it seemed so long n far bac although its jus taken during e start of this yr during new yr..haha..

like wad fungi said..this yr realli lots haf happened ba..jc pharse of ppl everything..things then happens so as i look bac..haha wad can i is all about moving on isn't it ?..

hao la..end here le..tctc every1 ! byee..

][.time files.][

Tuesday, September 05, 2006



past 2 nite hasn't been great..
slept wif tears in my eyes..
so tired after crying that i slept unknowingly..

it hurts mi to hear those that matters to me cry..
thats e 1st nite..
it hurts mi to "hear" from u all these after a friendship for 7 yrs..
thats e 2nd nite..

n for both nite..
i held on tight to e fone as i tremble n tries to stop..
but e tears jus wun allow mi to do so..

tonite will be another nite..
i hope i wun haf to slp wif tears in my eyes once again..
let mi jus haf a gd nite..

i wanna a bike for my bday..
i realli wanna a bike..
cycled from pasir ris to bedok today..
my longest ever bicycle journey..
thought of quite a lot as i cycled..
all i had was my mp3 blasting..
a friend who tinks she noes mi no more in front of mi..

why is it so..
haf i realli changed so much that u tink u noe mi no more..
i m not offended when u tell mi so..
it jus hurts..

i refused to tok n so do u..
we toked a little finally..
r we back to e norm?..
i dunno..

i jus noe sumthing..
if a friendship ever cum to an end..
it had nv ever started..

hao la..end here le every1..take gd care..byee..


Saturday, September 02, 2006

][.bus guide.][

haha lalala morning bloggy..jus here to leave u a short msg to remind myself of sumthing as i look bac nxt time..

Bus guide..

haha yeah..thats all..end here le..shall go joggin liao..wish mi e best of luck ba..haha take gd care every1 ! byee..

][.guardian angel.][