Sunday, June 10, 2007

][.its over?.][

][.its over?.][

its over? i guess it is..
i finally asked wad i always wanted to..
jus wad m i to u?..
i knew tt it's gonna end up like this..
in this disastrous state..
but i can't take it anymore..
can't take e way things go anymore..

i m sorry..
dere's sum misunderstandings..
i dun meant it tt i dun wan u to find mi..
i wanna be dere for u too..but i jus can't take it when u seems to take it so for granted..
i dun mind u throwing ya temper..
seriously dun mind..
but nt in dat way my friend..

hmm..i guess it's over..jus take care of yaself n thanks for all e wonderful memories tt u had given mi over e yr..i noe tt i can't let go..but..i dunno wad to do nw..jus take care..

][.status: failure.][

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