Thursday, June 14, 2007

][.tui hou.][

][.tui hou.][

be4 i start..jus a random comment..jay's songs can be so sad..=\

hmm aw today is a hmm day =P..
woke up late so went to kovan macs late..studied ard onli 3hrs..den left for trng w buddy..haha jus felt like gg la..i noe i nd to exercise le..n that's super true..i wanted to puke during e trng la..this is e 1st time ever tt i train dao wanna puke..can feel e fries at my gullet le..haha damm gross..but in e end din puke la..haha "magic" made mi feel slightly it was haha nt too bad? jus tt i tink my stamina n everything realli suxz le..can't even get a simple lan di in..=X..

after tt went for dinner w em..haha thou nt e usual gang..but this gang is realli funny too..haha den talked n talked den went t kovan cc dere which happened to haf sum games gg on den nw i m back hm..haha super guilty for all my doings today la..=X..

aw everything is ok n quite gd de..till i saw 2 person which i dunno why but my mind jus linked n tot of sumthings n sighs..e bus ride hm was..hmm i dunno..tired yet i can't slp..many many many things went thur my mind..lock n unlock my hp..asking myself shuld i or shuld i nt? listened to jay's songs..sighs..all so sad..but tui hou's lyrics struck mi this time..

wo zhi dao ni wo dou mei you cuo..
zhi shi wang le zher mer tui hou..
zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo?..

these 3lines in particular struck mi..
i noe tt both of us are not in fault..or rather both of us are in fault..i noe tt i was too harsh..but..there's always a but..ppl always wanna protect themselves..i dun deny tt i m..n i noe tt for u..dats e same..u wuld also tink tt i m in fault..sighs jus as i tink u do..den..we jus refused to give in..i noe tt u wun give in de..nv ever..but this time round..wo ye hen bu xiang..actually many a times i was realli at e verge of giving in le..but thinking of sum things jus pulled mi back..haiz..den e last line..zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo? it true?..i dunno..letting go of this friendship wuld be better for both of us?..maybe ba..our characters r v diff..u told mi tt..your character is rather similar to sum1..n hence maybe..sighs..

dere's jus too much things gg on in my mind nw..i hate's not so easy to let go..i can self deceit no more..i wan this friendship bac..but i noe tt things wun be able to be back to wad i wan..e days when u hasn't's hard..e old u is gone..

hao la..take gd care every1!...bye..n sorry for all my rantings these days..


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