Monday, July 30, 2007

][.eye opener.][

][.eye opener.][

haha realli v tired..
but jus wanna post sum pics to rmb a day..
wad an eye opener!
is how i could summarize everything in 1 sentence =]
haha tt's e beautiful "sunrise" taken while i was on e big big truck Xp n e cute basketball candies tt i bought on sat =P
shades of blue..haha taken be4 e storm! =X

random pic taken while stoning by e stone table n chair w jocelyn! haha nice ma? =D i like =P
we saw lots of cute dogs! haha n this is one of em! so furry n nice =D
haha random pic of xinying, jocelyn n mi! we love e spray! =D

this is supposed to be VJC made using h2o bottles..but no matter wad..we can't get a bird's eye haha..
haha my shoes! love it! but after being soaked in mud n w e soles all gone n a hole on e right one..mummy decided to throw it away..= so..jus a pic to commerate's my special pair =D u will be missed! =]

haha jus a msg for all n myself - COME ON! YOU CAN MAKE IT! jia u! haha

ok! end here le..officially dead tired..n wen..thanks for letting us stay over! =D take gd care every1! byee..



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