Thursday, July 05, 2007



today is a mixture of everything..
haha both happy n .. haha i dunno a mixtures of feelings..
started out quite grouchy in e morning due to e lack of sleep ytr nite..
but i noe tt everthing wuld be worth it in e end..=D

haha aw..morning was grouchy n sleepy..jus dun feel like doing anything..
in addition to super clever hp black out w no sianz by it la..
but at e same time i love it..becoz of e camera! haha..
den quite dunno how to describe de feeling de..
11 reached den tot of llz who wuld be facing e op soon..
ooo hooo..jus prayed tt everything wuld go on smoothly..
n thank so much, it did!
llz jia u! speedy recovery huh!!

after tt was e end of e short day in sch..
rushed down to pp to meet wen..
haha went to look for jing's stuff..
but ended up looking for wen's green shirt which sparked our shopping mood..
haha w mi ending up w a shorts tt i quite like de..n wen w a collar tee..
5/7/07..2:50PM..e 1st time in a decade tt we went shopping for clothes tgt =P
haha a moment worth remembering =P

haha aw we got jing's stuff in e end la..
haha moon river n braclet..
sooo tired by e end of e whole shopping..
haha came hm instead of gg to wen's hse..
cz i wanna get a shirt to pei my new shorts..haha
rested a while be4 rushing out to meet e others to embark on our plan!
haha supposed to reach e palace by 7:30pm de..
but due to e "hey jing!" msgs we past e princess hour! haha
aw made our way dere n cont to plan plan..

haha every1 was so jing zhang..
fungi jing zhang w her video cam-ing..
all jing zhang n hoping tt everything goes on smoothly..

haha n yeah man..
Di Yi Shi Jian + "To us, you are special"..
haha think it was quite successful ba!
thou e bday song was not sang on cue..
n dere was xiao chang..
but was quite..
haha i dunno..

went to ws's xing wang for dinner after tt..haha
n we r gd influences of each another! =P
after dinner we started our pic taking time again..
haha n as usual..
its taking every little thing be4 taking us..haha

den it was time for home sweet home..
n dere goes tan tan wong chee chee bac to their homes..
but be4 tt..
e lame but traditional sms-ing..
haha..Happy Birthday Jing !
haha poor fungi hafing to send "!"..haha
aw gotcha our reply..but dere was no spare camera to take down e haf to save it 1st..

haha after tt took 3 hm w fungi..
haha w a happy happy mood..
to me, they r jus so special!
thanks for making my day!

haha yups! tt's my day of mixtures which ended off w a sweet n happy nite! haha..pardon mi for bloggin every single detail it's been so long since i enjoy myself tt much..n i dun wanna forget anything..=] never..

hao la..take gd care every1! byee..

ps. thank for this blessed n wonderful day!


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