Friday, July 27, 2007

][.S for?.][

][.S for?.][

heh heh..S for subways..
S for smiles!
dun u jus feel so happy when those tt matters to u r happy too? =D

aw..did quite a lot of unexpected things today =P
1) went bac to ahs n sat in e canteen n stadium while waiting for c mei to go bac tgt..haha met mr chan n zheng lao shi..haha quite nice to see em n chat w em even if it's for a little moment..=]
den went to e stadium n saw sum jnrs playing dere..haha in uni..sounds familiar isn't it? felt a sudden urge to play..but din la..haha nt a sudden urge..but i miss playing it..=[ aw..went bac w c mei after tt..haha seeing her in her uni..n's my little god sis tt had grew up..chatting w her on e way bac has been nice (as always)..haha n we wanted to run tgt in e evening de..but due to e weather..we called it off..haha

2) came bac hm n ate n chatted w daddy, mummy n bickered w didi (as always =P)..den slept till 7 ( too tired la..wanted to wake up at 6 de)..haha aw 7 was wondering if i shuld still go on w my plan to run n do subway delieveries! haha in e spare big tyre urged mi i did..wore my jacket cz i nd to put stuffs n it was realli cold n drizzling..haha ran frm hm to downtown east..n was quite fast de..took mi ard 8 mins..haha faster than e waiting time n travelling time of e bus! was like quite tired after tt de la =P stamina cmi le..but decided tt i shuld run a little got my 12 subway cookies frm e super funny n nice "guy" den ran to ws..haha luckily it was a short one..if nt i wuld look like an idiot running w a subway plastic bag =P..went on to my subs delivery after tt =P..hee too bad jing was nt at jus left it dere..den went to c mei's hse..haha glad tt she enjoyed it..hee tt's why i love i like e stunned smile =P got dinner for ourselves n came hm after tt be4 meeting fungi n "deliver" e subs..haha

feels realli gd to run..although i ran for onli ard 10 mins..but..haha enjoyed it..walking was also nice..although no stars..but i can feel it's always dere isn't it =P + got my mp3 to pei wo..haha perfect! feels so gd..haha ran n walked ard pasir ris for an hr or so..n i mus say..try walking at's faster than waiting for bus n travelling..haha but of cz tt onli holds for short dist la =P..felt so relaxed n refresh after e running n walkin..woohoo! wonderful! haha i m feeling happy nw..hee simple de happiness..thanks to subway n smiles for de-stressing mi! haha n subway cookies reminded mi tt i still owe sum1 tt =P..hmm haha wanna drop u a msg..but scared u tink i too random = stress decided nt to..=P

n o mummy can be so lame..i asked her to try e oatmeal raisin cookie told her oat is mai (chi for oat)..n she was like..of cz u mai (buy) de la..if nt drop frm e sky o?! i was like =_=" mummy..nt funny..n she said..whey laugh leh..i say de leh..ha ha ha..e kiddy side of an adult..n u can't help loving em ya =D love my my my life..thanks for everything! =D

haha hao la..end here le..take gd care every1! byee..

][.when i c u smile.][
][.i can do anything.][

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