Tuesday, July 10, 2007



for e past 2 days or so..e same song has been repeating over n over again on my mp3..it's jay's
Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi..不能说的秘密..haha been quite sum time since i repeat a song over n over again..n whenever i do tt..dere's onli a few reasons..1 being it's realli nice..another being i m feeling realli..haha shitty..

slept at 9plus ytr nite..was realli tired..had friendly w e teachers but can't even get myself to warm up properly..realli tired..guessed maybe it's been a long time since i play for so many consec days ba..fri,sat,sun n mon..woohoo..can't take it..haha maybe it's physical tired-ness..maybe it's mental fatigue..i dunno..got bac my maths results ytr..wow..a wonderful U..i kinda expected it..but yet at e same time..it jus ain't feeling too gd la..like u practice over n over again..yet u get this kind of shitty results..my conclusion is..it's jus not enff..n it's realli scary..sighs..aw wad struck mi e most was..i walked past a sci class n i saw ppl scoring like 80+? tt's like A while i m like a U..n while A lvls is like a wow 3 mths away?..tell mi tt i dun feel like dying..felt so shitified..yups..but ytr was nt tt bad la..it was jus..sighs..

so today..tues..wow it's e tues bad stomache day..had diarrhoea again..sianz..aw despite loads of slp e previous day..i felt so so tired today..yups..aw lessons were ok..haha din haf much of a lesson aw..haha llz came to help mi w maths after tt! haha thanks loads n loads! haha 2 mre mths..i jus hope to do maths everyday..haha jkjk..but yups..maths get fun when u noe how to do..but it gets real bad when u r lost..=\

hmm aw i was saying abt repeating e song over n over again..haha n 1 line in particular nv fails to haf an image pop out in my mind whenever i listen to it..你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见..haha i dunno how u feel..but i felt tt it was realli sad..cz i always rmb this line..再见是留给会再见的人..想必你应该明白我的意识吧。。阻止那人说再见是因为-不会再见了。。

haha ok..enough of crapping..off i go..take gd care every1! byee..


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