Tuesday, July 17, 2007

][.an end to youth.][

][.an end to youth.][

haha currently i m bloggin while others are having their lit tutorial..hmm yup..my 1st time pon-ing sch n staying hm..haha feeling rather floaty nw..dunno how to say but shuld be e drowsy effect of medication ba..went to c e doc ytr..waited for damm long..but e doc is nice n gd la..gt 2 days mc..so decided to realli stay hm n rest today..or rather..forced to stay hm by e drowsy medicine..=X aw..yups..jus wondering where's my guardian angel nowadays?..=P

hao la..shall stop ranting abt it..aw today's blog is to draw "an end to youth"..haha i meant playin basketball as a youth..sun was e last youth cup..glad tt it was quite a gd ending..=] hmm thur out these yrs playing youth cups..although onli played for 3 yrs (as i can rmb)..there has been ups n downs..but it sumhow taught mi lots of things..=]

haha hmm..sec4 played under combine white..hmm nt much of a memory how was it like..but i knew tt i went in without e hope n expectation of being able to play much..cz..haha tt's my 1st ever time in combine n it's already an honour..so nt much of a qi wang to play..jus went in w e mindset of doing my best for every sec tt i was given..=] yups..so ended e youth cup w a 2nd placing..haha losin to combine red..=P but nt too bad too..an experience was gained..=]

hmm den j1..haha i declare 2006 as my down down period in basketball..can't play well even in normal games against jc tt are of average standards..got benched..got endless scoldings frm coach..n e weak mi culd nt take it man..haha e lousy pok mi..but luckily at e end i managed to brace up a little w snr's, llz n da 1031's encouragements..haha after e turmoil of e A divn being kicked out of u18..i was met w another blow of nt getting into combine schs..haha it's jus a sucky feeling..but after a while..i jus haf to admit tt maybe i was jus lousier than others..haha but dere's always this small part of mi tt still can't take it lying down..struggling so hard..n even questioning myself..wanted to jus nt play youth cup for tt yr..cz alj also dun haf enff ppl to form a team..it was realli..haha a period of struggles..but i was glad tt i played..=]

thankfully cindy coach was dere to help mi find a team..i still rmb e nite when she broke e news to mi..my tears tt jus fell out uncontrollably..n told mi tt she wuld get mi a team to play in..n tt e coaches dun appreciate mi..but it's ok..so i ended up trng n playing w home u for youth cup..it was realli quite an enjoyable experience..started out being scared n found myself unable to click w those tt are older than mi by a yr..however thanks to elica n coach liling n all e friendly team mates dere..i finally was able to play w e team well..it was realli quite fun de..haha it was also den tt i regained bac e confidence tt i lost by getting e trust n dependancy tt i had nv felt be4..in addition to all these..coach cindy n lqjl came down for sum of e matches..n checked out how i m doing now and then..realli v grateful to them..as well as my alj team mates..n da 1031 who came down too =D..as well as my whole family for cuming down to support..haha i wuld nv forget e day which my whole family, da 1031, ah rum n employer came down to support..=] and of cz llz who gave mi my constant boost of confidence..haha realli v thankful to so many ppl! hence although 2006 is e down down period in basketball..it was e up up period whereby i discovered e love n warmth of so many ppl..it was realli a memorable yr thou we din managed to get past e 1st round..but it was realli unforgettable..=]

haha den 2007..my last youth cup..hmm trained n realli wanted so much to play w alj kem..din even thought of getting into combines cz was always nt playing e main 5 in e initial part of A div..thankful for llz who was dere to tell mi tt main5 dun matter..wad matters is e contribution to e team for every sec tt i m on court..thankful to tt..i held on n was able to perform quite ok during A div..so was realli trng hard w alj kem..n was given e precious chance to be e captain of alj kem..hmm when i was given tt post..i realli wanted so much to train hard tgt w e team n tgt w them win e champs..cz they r realli a gd bunch of players..however ren suan bu ru tian suan..i got into combines..was realli thankful cz it is sumhow a kind of affirmation..however at e same time..it strips mi of e post of being kem's captain n at e same time unable to play for kem for 3 youth cups tt i had played..quite a pity..dere was a little struggle here n dere..however i noe tt if i din get in..i may start to doubt myself again..yups aw thankful for everything tt i haf got in 2007..went down to support kem w liying whenever we culd..n many a times cheering tgt for em =] so..2007 is quite a gd n beautiful ending to everything ba..got champs for both A div n milo cup! ended of w a champion title for both! wad more can i ask for?..but wadever it is..i m still thankful to kem n llz as well as my family who gave mi e support thur out all these games =]

haha to end of..jus sum pics for memories..=]

sheng zhong woosh! go vj! haha 6 yrs..so fast..we haf been playing tgt for 6 yrs! thanks for all these wonderful memories n teaching as well as guiding mi so much in e game! thanks to both of u! u gals r realli deserving of e mvps! =D thanks soOoO much!!

haha hao la..end here le..e drowsy effect is realli gettting hold of mi..jus wanna thank so many ppl for all e wonderful memories! take gd care every1! drink mre water! byee..


][.wonderful memories.][

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