Thursday, February 26, 2009



haha the post that i wanted to post went blank after i pressed post ;p
aw tonite is a gd random nice night.

finally watch a movie with wen n moi =]
nice nice.
n met jing be4 tt =]]
smiles! slumdog millionarie!
i jus wanna watch Look For A Star now!haha

den met gd running buddy for supper!
haha champions are making me crave for supper more than be4 =P
it was nice chatting w running buddy!
haha recalled all the marathorn events.
n jus nua n talked randomly =]

thanks loads!
realli appreciate u all =]]

hao la..tired le!
end here le! take gd care every1! byee..

][.pls forget.][

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