Saturday, February 21, 2009

][.babies nv fail to make my day.][

][.babies nv fail to make my day.][

no matter how bad the day is.
babies nv fail to brighten up my day =]
was quite sianz cz had to waste money on travelling as trng was cancelled.
However, the non-verbal communication of babies had made my day!
gave the baby tt i saw on mrt a tired smile. n she smiled back radiantly =D
realli made my day! kids are just so innocent tt they dun mind tt wad u r giving em is a tired smile. they still give u their 100% smile <3
nxt up..saw a little baby boy extending his hands to his daddy wanting to be carried.
so sweet =]

alright! enough of sian-ness!
past 2 days had been exciting!
doing things out of the usual way.
went to my 1st concert with jing!
woohoo! it was gd!
e gan jue when yoga stopped singing n quan chang sing tgt was so nice.
to add on. that was a emo song -> "wo ai de ren"

den heard many nice nice songs too.
n e refresh-ed of memory with "bei ying"..
gan xie wo bu ke yi..(thankfully that i can't)
zou jing ni de yan jing (be seen by you)
suo yi cai neng, wang zhe ni de bei ying (hence, i m given e chance to jus gaze at ur back)
yi zhi xiang qian zou, (i kept walking)
zou bu wan ju li ( but there's no way that i could close up the distance)
yi zhi xiang hou tui (i kept running away)
tui bu chu hui yi (but i just can't get out these memories)
haha used to be my fav song =]
thanks loads to jing!
we enjoyed ourselves =]
n shaking of lightsticks can make one hungry! haha
3++ hrs gd of songs =] n she n olivia r power too =]

sat..went to zoo!
haha it's been a decade since i went dere ba =P
it was exciting n quite fun!
e sea lion was e best part! so clever la ;p
n it's jus so gd to get away n do something different =]
but it's realli tiring too =]
after which, went for lx's concert w wen n butts.
it feels gd =]
when it comes to some ppl, no matter how long it is, e gan jue is still e same.
travelling bac n talking to wen was nice =]
been vv long since we did this le.
those were e days behind e sec3 n 4 classrm where we jus chatted non-stop =] miss em so!

den bac at pasir ris, saw e guys who were gg supper =]

hao la..nua-ed.
shall nua a little mre n strum the guitar a little mre jiu go do work.
guitar-rapy =]

take gd care every1! byee..

][.memory status: deleting in process.][

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