Tuesday, February 24, 2009



fe always say..
everything happens for a reason.

tonite is realli a nite of truth.
overwhelming in some way.
hence i have to hide in the dark.
haha. cz i can camouflage in tt way.
moi said:"fe, dun blog! u will onli be hurt more when u r reminded of it!"
but i said, i haf to =] cz i know..when i look bac, i will be lol-ing at how stupid i was.

thanks loads to moi!
realli realli!
thanks for knowing me so well.
thanks loads for just doing nth n listen n make me laugh n ask me to stop singing =]
n wen, jing, fungi, i m waiting to let u all know that, i m moving on le =]
this time round, there's no turning back, no stopping there.
nothing =]

thanks to nfb too =]
thanks for letting me scold u! wahaha n i m nt a g.

haha moi says i m leng jing.
i tink i m.
n i m jus v leng jing.
my tears already free flow dao i tink no restaurant can win me =P haha jkjk
fe is strong!
haha nah i m not =P
jus fe is iron! haha
jus feels super stupid.

haha..if u ever see this,
just wanna let u noe..
i never ever wanted to let you know.
never ever ever wanted you to know.
knowing that u know realli makes me..
dunno how to face u?
haha..n tt i knew right frm the start that nothing will change.
that's why i had never told u.
that's why i had always kept it a secret from u.
that's why frm the very second that i fell in, i stopped n pulled myself out.
it took quite a while.
but for now, jus wanna say..
let's hope u can forget this too =]
glad to haf u as my friend. if u ever consider me one =]

is realli the final nite le.
all the truths are out.
all sorts of feelings.
betray? nah..too strong a word to use.
hurt? yups very.
relief? yups! super! moving on for real.
haha the greater the hit.
the faster the delete process.
once n for all, gone!
haha byee..

hao la..end here le every1!
take gd care!
n seriously, fe is on 5th gear for nth but work nw! chiong ah! projects! hee =]


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