Sunday, February 08, 2009

][.it's time to get back on the track!.][

][.it's time to get back on the track!.][

haha move bloggy move!
it's time to get back to work!

haha loads of suffs happened over e wk / wks =P
jus din blogged ;p
haha hmmm..
recent few events..
sending DE (Mole)ment to shanghai =]
it just makes me feel like gg for exchange prog too..
always felt tt stepping out of s'pore will be a gd experience to grow =]
aw..hope she's gd n come back fast!!
haha n e steamboat tt we had on thurs n sun was exploding! haha jkjk
i love my nan da team-mates!
BUT..haha honeymoon period is over n it's time for work again!
jia you champions! =]

den ytr was a gathering of steam boat w e cks!
i love it!
haha like..can nua at hm de gan jue v shiok ;p
worth e money to eat to ur fill too!
plus dun nd to travel! wahaha
gd to ketchup w em!

n today..went to moi's hse to bai nian after trng ;p
hee forever5 <3sss..
it always feel so gd =]
10yrs le =D
keep going pigs!
iloveus! =]

haha ok..gotta end le..looking fwd to nxt sat! heh e kid's 21st!
heh..thinking hard! BUT be4 tt..gotta study! lol (if i can ;p)
take gd care every1! byee..

dream is always beautiful.
reality is sad.
i truly understood after tt dream.


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