Friday, September 29, 2006

][.tired mind.][

][.tired mind.][

heyo bloggy..jus woke up..haha i m so is fri le n i haf done nth for my promos revision yet..wanted to mug hard ytr but ended up wif a tight chest pain which linked to e stomache which almost caused my life..curled up at e bk chair n table in e middle of e nite n jus felt like dying..freaking pain that i was too tired to say anything..

n o yah..eccentric gui gotta a partner le ! hee i haven name its frm my ou xiang =)..haha so mus name it nice nice de..haha hafing my dinner now..shall go n start my econs hist n maths is like so dead..not that my lit isn't..its jus that i decided to study e day be4..n econs seems much managable than hist n maths..sianz..

haha hao la..end here le..take gd care every1 ! byee..

jus make mi feel like nt caring anymore..

][.zhen xi.][

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