Monday, September 25, 2006

][.if u culd c e tears in my eyes.][

][.if u culd c e tears in my eyes.][

felt so useless as i turned my back n walked away..
took 2 slow steps forward n tears rolled down unknowingly..
it isn't ya fault..
its wif myself..
felt so useless that i can't do anything for u as a friend..
maybe i m too sensitive..
but i jus feel that sumthing is not rite..
is it becoz of my bullying..
if it is..
i m realli sorry n i promise to try my best nt to anymore..
sat quietly thur out e journey not knowing wad to say..
not knowing wad to do..
if sumthing is wrong..
n i ain't e friend (if u regard mi as 1) that u wanna share e prob n burden wif..
pls make sure that u ain't alone..
i noe u wun..
i hope u wun..
let sum1 share e burden wif u..
e load is always easier wif 2 than 1..
hope u will be fine..
take gd care..

][.pls be ok.][

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