Sunday, September 10, 2006

][.culd u jus be here for mi.][

][.culd u jus be here for mi.][

such a random bloggy heading for today..haha dunno why i put this too..gotta no specific meaning..jus think its nice..

haha remembered i once saw sum1 dp is e backspace button on the keyboard..wif e caption of gg bac to e past or sumthing like that la..i forget le..haha think its jan de dp ;p haha

ooo thats so random..but nbm..haha listening to lots of songs now..thanks to e suppliers =p..saw a pic jus now..n it seemed so long n far bac although its jus taken during e start of this yr during new yr..haha..

like wad fungi said..this yr realli lots haf happened ba..jc pharse of ppl everything..things then happens so as i look bac..haha wad can i is all about moving on isn't it ?..

hao la..end here le..tctc every1 ! byee..

][.time files.][

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