Thursday, September 14, 2006

][.Care and][

][.Care and][

i had my 1st interaction wif a dog today..
it licked my hand..
=).. makes mi feel..
hmm how to say..
everything on earth nd love..
haha i noe this is cliche..
but yah..
love does make e world goes by =)..
i told myself..
e next time i see it..
i will sayang it again =))
i will try to not fear it =))

hee..i m thankful..
thankful for wad i haf..
thankful for my Family..[father n mother i love u..of cz didi too la =P]
thankful for my best of friends..
thankful for every special ppl that had entered my life..
thanks for this beautiful life..
no matter how stressful life can be..
dere's always a reason to smile..
n they are my reason to smile..=))

hao la..shall end here take gd care every1 ! byee..

][.love makes e world goes by.][

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