Tuesday, September 05, 2006



past 2 nite hasn't been great..
slept wif tears in my eyes..
so tired after crying that i slept unknowingly..

it hurts mi to hear those that matters to me cry..
thats e 1st nite..
it hurts mi to "hear" from u all these after a friendship for 7 yrs..
thats e 2nd nite..

n for both nite..
i held on tight to e fone as i tremble n tries to stop..
but e tears jus wun allow mi to do so..

tonite will be another nite..
i hope i wun haf to slp wif tears in my eyes once again..
let mi jus haf a gd nite..

i wanna a bike for my bday..
i realli wanna a bike..
cycled from pasir ris to bedok today..
my longest ever bicycle journey..
thought of quite a lot as i cycled..
all i had was my mp3 blasting..
a friend who tinks she noes mi no more in front of mi..

why is it so..
haf i realli changed so much that u tink u noe mi no more..
i m not offended when u tell mi so..
it jus hurts..

i refused to tok n so do u..
we toked a little finally..
r we back to e norm?..
i dunno..

i jus noe sumthing..
if a friendship ever cum to an end..
it had nv ever started..

hao la..end here le every1..take gd care..byee..


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