Tuesday, March 03, 2009

][.I am happy!.][

][.I am happy!.][

haha..wad a g "title" huh =P
not tt i hasn't been happy all these while =P
haha but today is realli quite a happy day with double joy!

haha e double joy in academic stuffs is like wooohooo!
vvv long nv get such happiness from academic le =P
haha jus finished e presentation for hw111.
thankful for the non-verbal communications which made e audience laughed.
thus, it was quite gd =D
happy with it!

haha den came bac n saw the hg220 quiz results.
wah..when i was scrolling down e list..i was realli praying hard for the heart nt to sink man!
haha n for e 1st time in many many times!
my heart leaped with joy instead of sinking!
haha fe shall work hard for her studies! (like duh huh ;p)

haha hao la..
end here le!
gotta go do tut n go teh n trng soon!

take gd care every1!

p/s offie is here to say hi! haha
n happy 20 wen! =D


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