Friday, March 06, 2009



haha i m aching frm top to toe.
from heart to soul.
woohoo it rhymes huh?
haha jkjk la.

but i m realli aching.
jus nua-ing on my bed.
haha can't move le.
lao le ah lao le.
consecutive days of playing bball is no longer as easy.

but i realli enjoy it.
it has been 3wks since all this madness started?
nt v sure..
BUT i realli enjoy learning frm all these trngs =]

it is tiring.
no doubt.
but i know..i realli wanna improve myself within this mth. =]
jus learn wadever i can.
n go away with em =]

n jus a little random sidenote..
Defend with your heart.
Make sure u dun let em cut pass u n score.
Yong Xin Lai Fang Shou.
tt was wad coach said.
i heard of it all along.
but when she said it..
it realli rings in ur ear n goes into e heart.
i will work hard on my defence.
cz that's where con-fe-dence will grow.
"zuo de bu cuo" sometimes,something so little can realli make me wanna fight on =]

n apart frm Yong Xin de defence,
i will 用心 for everything =]
like what mamas always say in jc..
wadever tt dun kill u..will onli make u stronger! =]
conquer e projects,training,tuitions and quiz man!
go fe!!!!!!!!!!!!

keep going fe!
haha so g to say keep going to yourself ;p
but wells! haha i m g always ;p

take gd care every1! byee..


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