Tuesday, March 31, 2009

][.Be thankful.][

][.Be thankful.][

was pondering upon life.
was thinking over again, what is it that i actually chased after in life.

all this was sparked when a comment was made.
which set me thinking.
things are going in circle.

life is realli like a life cycle.
am i realli chasing after the right priorities?
or am i going with the flow and handle whatever tt comes my way?

what is it tt i realli want to achieve in life?
thought abt this on the way back hm after trng.
my motto in life:
if you wanna do it, jus give it your best shot & dun regret.
if u ever regret, tt means u had nt given ur best.

humans all have fear.
i have mine too.
but we just gotta conquer them.
n keep going..
isn't it?

keep going is the only way out!
so..jus hang it there!
felt kinda lost abt what exactly i m pursuing.

but caught this ad on bs 358's tv mobile.
it was an inspirational quote..
a realli gd one..
"Be thankful that you do not have everything you want..
If not, you will have nth to look fwd to!"

the quote made my day.
be thankful is the key!
keep going fe!
be thankful!
for everything,
i m!

it always feel so gd to be back home.
home sweet home.
my protected shelter.
my wonderful parents.
my cute little brother.<3s
this sat is reserved for em =]

hao la..end here le!
take gd care every1!

in this midst of insanity,
remain sane every1!
jiayou! =D

][.i m.][

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