Friday, March 20, 2009



amidst all these madness.
n down-ness.
there's finally a thing to smile over.
i finally passed my driving test =]
haha 20/3/09.
finally an end to these.
n jus so glad! =]
it feels gd knowing tt u can finally drive =]

thanks loads to wen for pei-ing me =]
n jus a few things to remind myself of..
amidst these madness.
i managed to catch marley n me with 2 nice buddies =]
haha xie lo nfb n kg =D
n watching arsenal play w wen n kg at arsenal fc was nice. =]
the hotel stay was gd too!
thanks loads to wen! =]
n thanks fort bump bump too wen!!
n these were the gd things tt happened last sat n this wk.

bad things jiu..
suan le..
dun blog =]

take gd care every1!


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