Saturday, April 25, 2009

][.this is life! =D.][

][.this is life! =D.][

haha welcome back to the real life fe!
haha so g to welcome myself back to "real life".
but it just feels so so so gd.

ytr was my last paper.
this sem is realli jia lat.
but just not gonna think about it for now le.

i m back to life!
the real life =]
words just can't describe how happy i feel =]

this whole sem was madness.
only the 1st ivp season was gd!
haha fighting hard with Champions for the Champion.
gd job champions!
had loads of crazy fun with this special team =]]

so basically..the 1st part of sem2 was gd.
e 2nd half was purely madness.
endless projects, individual reports, trainings. was realli wooohooo.

thankfully everything is over for now!
haha when you look back,
things always seem ok =]

haha past wk of mugging for exams had its fair share of ups n downs.
super sorry to those tt i threw temper on.
haha u noe who u r =P
sorry sorry!
thankful for my roomie and jy,zx and nfb.
thanks loads for being dere w me during the mugging darkness =D

haha n now..
welcome back to life!
simple joys of life.
watching dramas!
going to the beach!
reading story books!
just nua! =D

haha ytr and today are the 1st 2 days of freedom!
it feels just so so gd =]]
headed right down to trng after my paper ytr.
haha after a wk of hiding indoors w my bks and not playing bball..
immediately cramped when i got back hm =P
watched "fated to love you" till 4am!

den woke up for tuition..
haha witnessed a real fire today.
escaped from the 12th floor!
it jus set as a reminder that we should always be careful and not feel that things won't happen to us!
always be careful!

den came hm to watch show again.
haha den went to ecp for kem's bbq!
haha the food is really gd man! thanks to hui hui who marinate the food so well =]]
den i got to cycle too!
for so so long!
love the way the wind blows..
love the way the sky changes from blue to red to starry.
love the way we relax as the world goes by.
it's just perfect!
i tink..after a whole madness of sem2..
this is just too great =]]

after which we played "i have never.."
haha reminds me of orientation.
n i have realli never...
it can realli get v fun =P

now i m back home =]
loading my shows again!
just allow me to nua for a while =]
cz..i haf been looking fwd to it..
for this break =]

can't wait to do so many things =]

haha on a random note,
i m reading 橘子-“不爱,也是一种爱”

haha ok! end here le!
take gd care every1!



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