Friday, April 10, 2009

][.Seize the Day!.][

][.Seize the Day!.][

after so many days of madness,
today is really a GOOD friday =]

a relaxing day =]
woke up for double instead of combo tuition.
met lin lao fern to study after tt.
lol..but we end up gossiping..=P
den went to walk ard while be4 she meets her "friend".

got a notebk tt i realli love =]
it's a notebk with "Seize the Day" on the beautiful sunset cover =]

Do not grieve over the past,
for it is gone.

Do not worry about the future,
for it has yet to come.

As long as it is called Today,
live this day as if it was your last,
and you will find each day
worth living for!

haha beautiful words =]
w cherish the moment being written inside e notebk.
realli beautiful one =]

if only we noe which is the last day of our life..
we will start planning the stuffs we want to do..right? haha
but we don't..
so..we gotta live each day to e fullest isn't it? =]
smile ppl =]

apart from a random meet up w lin lao fern,
saw yuqiang at ehub..
den boss at whitesands..
haha random "meet up" with ppl who had been in my life be4..
lol..wad a random day..
wad a gd day..
wad a relaxing day..
o..wad a day =]

i m a simple person,
seeking the simple joys of life.
haha so g.
but so true =]

n as we grow,
i realli start to realise - impermanace.
nothing is forever.
just cherish each moment =]
n things will be fine! =]]

hao la..take gd care every1!

p/s: wad a random day =]
n..haha watching the ping pong show realli reminds me of..=]


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