Tuesday, December 27, 2011

][.every relationship is a gamble.][

][.every relationship is a gamble.][

hello bloggy.
just some random thoughts with things going on and around me.
every relationship is a gamble with its ups and downs.
sometimes, things ain't easy.
problems surface and it's all up to each party to solve it or move on.
everything happens for a reason.
every1 appear in your life for a reason.
some memories and secrets are only between both of you.
it's something that others have no idea.
so whichever it is, don't hurt the one that used to be a special one.
it applies across friendship and all.

me: xxxxxxx
a good friend in the past: eh you still remembered what i say?
me: why not? haha
us: a look back at the past and a smile which shows that we moved on.

that special bond that both used to share is something precious.
even if the ending hurts, it still has its beautiful memories.
remember the good-ness in each and let the sour-ness and bitterness go.
it makes life easier.
and it makes me smile.

on the other hand,
leg is getting better but i had forgotten how to walk.
haha hydro was fun and bike again tml.
slowing down to enjoy life thou staying home all day is driving me mad at times.
thanks to every1 who dropped by to accompany me =]

take gd care every1!


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