Sunday, July 03, 2011



It's 1.51am at the moment!
I have to be up in 5 hrs time! and the long week will begin again!
BUT it's ok!
tonight is a happy night!
Welcome back fungi! and Happy 22nd in advance Jing!
We are only complete with all 5 thou we still hate(love) each another so much over e years. <3

as we get older, our time clashes more and we see how each characters differ.
we have our rough patches, moments of really wanting to kill each another, the spectrum of balancing a 5 person f/s. and girls f/s are like r/s.
but one thing for sure, this is a f/s that i'll want to have for a lifetime.
we'll have our wong chee tan, tan chee wong, chee tan wong (and whichever permutation and combination!)
sorry to fungi for not being able to send you a postcard in time! =X

forever5 <3

heh so many had happened over e past few weeks..
managed to meet up with friends (thou it's all late after work) but it's worth it!
and i always feel that time is the most precious thing you can give that's what constitutes your life and every r/s requires efforts to maintain.

1) Met up with llz! had a gd night with duck pizza and a good movie! thanks loads llz! thanks for being the anchor in my life, always playing the role of a big sis, checking on me and making sure that everything is gg on well! Welcome back kid!Gd to have you back! =]] looking forward to a cycling day!

2) Kilkenny and stoning contest by the beach!our f/s is a lost and found. jiayou and make ur present so beautiful and not let it turn into a memory. (you know what i mean) and jiayou as you move on to ur new stage of life!

3) Hello Ghost with Fnq! Really really love the show and highly recommend it! it's amazing how our f/s manage to survive over the decade. haha i guess it's all thanks to our "best friend" =] enjoy our once in a while meet up and chatting as thou we were still in 6B. showing each other the diff side and views of opposing genders and giving each other advice. I am thankful for our f/s. =]

4) Shout-out to roomie! we need to meet up soooon! =] jiayou with trainings!

ok la! time for bed! =]
officially 4++ hrs left.
take gd care every1!
nitez~ =]

p/s: dirk's shirt is coming soon! hopefully it'll come before i go thai!


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