Friday, August 06, 2010



口不对心 - that's how we describe a person when he/she say things tt he/she don't really mean.

we always feel that every1 should be truthful about how they feel.
we feel that people should say what they mean and mean what they say.
however, when we are in the we do it?

it's always easier to tell some1.."hey! could you say what you really mean?"
but..when it comes to yourself..
sometimes, somethings are just so hard to be truthful.
ever felt this way?
cz..u need to consider another person's feelings.
cz..u can't put down ur pride.
cz of this and that.

there are just more things to consider.
we learn from experiences.
we fall and we pick ourselves up.
we quarrel to understand each another.
and when you get to know each other better, you know what will spark the person's anger.
you know what they like or not. =]

this is life.
we all grow from experience.

things can be v simple.
i know.
i understand.

oo..n i haven blog abt 9ends 2 outs yet.
will do so when i m in e mood =]
it's a gd show.

ok! take gd care every1!
nitez~ =]


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