Tuesday, August 03, 2010

][.random tues!.][

][.random tues!.][

what a random tues =]
but *thumbs up* and *big smile*

no trng n no tuition.
jus nua and ketchup w friends = =]

met llz for lunch and a random decision to watch inception.
love the random-ness.
n the show which made our head go in whirl but decided that it's a dream in e end.

a dream within a dream.
had you ever had tt?
recently, i find tt dreams are really a reflection of reality.
as i grow older..everything tt i think in e day, would be reflected in the dream in a diff way.
dreams and reality.
dreams can be funny, scary, happy, sad.

a gd afternoon spent w llz!
thanks kid! =]

came home n cont to watch my 9ends 2outs.
it's like e joy of my life now.
yes yes.
a drama is a drama.
but when a drama seems to reflect what happened in life.
you can't help but lol.
tt's e sort of feeling tt i get.
will blog in detail when i finish e show.
jus one mre ep to finish it but 舍不得 =]

o great..n my best friend jus called frm uk.
pray pray tt e 2 of em exist in peace.
n all is resolved soon.
sometimes, even bff for a decade is not enough.
character differences, thinking differences.
haha..expectation from ppl who you care more.
it gets tiring huh.
lao tian ye..pls let both of em be all gd soon!

aw..today is a random day.
really random day.
after coming home, went out again at 8plus pm.
met jo, ky, xl to go zx's hse to chill.
it was random.
but nice in a way la.
vodka,oolong tea,tobasco.
haha jus great.

had tea be4 coming home.
this is e most comfortable way of communicating. =]
after quarrelling for so many times, i really hope we know each other better.
hurted each other be4.
but let e past be e past.
for one last time, i hope we are both matured enough to not quarrel anymore.
for everything is a growing process.

ok la..rest well every1!
let tomorrow be a gd gd day!
let's go team!
let's go fe! =]

gosh..really love the show 9ends 2outs.
been a while since i m stucked to a drama such as this =]

take gd care every1!


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